Solution to these errors:
Error: Hidden files are not allowed 'map / Miscellaneous / People / modelosnuevos /'
Error: Hidden files are not allowed 'map / Miscellaneous / People / modelosnuevos /' ...... This error is because these images are in stealth mode. Solution. Habrir the file destination folder and enable view hidden files, then right-click on the images and properties and disable hidden tab.
For these errors:
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//door.png'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Solution is to open the map i3d with a text editor and replace "// more for" most / least a slash.
Sorry for the inconvenience: ((
Hallo, ich werde alle Texturen zu korrigieren und die Verknüpfung mit der korrigierten Karte ändern. Vielen Dank für Ihre Kommentare, dazu beitragen, die Karte.
Grüße an alle ...
Really nice, rugged roads and terrain that 'feel' more real to me. I did get stuck a couple of times, but that's life, and out comes the tow-chain.
I've collected all the coins and haven't been able to locate the Mystery Well. Is it installed on the map, if so whereabouts? Thanks for the updated version.
4 Comments for Agro Frost
Nueva Actualización.
New Update
Solution to these errors:
Error: Hidden files are not allowed 'map / Miscellaneous / People / modelosnuevos /'
Error: Hidden files are not allowed 'map / Miscellaneous / People / modelosnuevos /' ...... This error is because these images are in stealth mode. Solution. Habrir the file destination folder and enable view hidden files, then right-click on the images and properties and disable hidden tab.
For these errors:
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//door.png'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
Solution is to open the map i3d with a text editor and replace "// more for" most / least a slash.
Sorry for the inconvenience: ((
Hallo, ich werde alle Texturen zu korrigieren und die Verknüpfung mit der korrigierten Karte ändern. Vielen Dank für Ihre Kommentare, dazu beitragen, die Karte.
Grüße an alle ...
Really nice, rugged roads and terrain that 'feel' more real to me. I did get stuck a couple of times, but that's life, and out comes the tow-chain.
I've collected all the coins and haven't been able to locate the Mystery Well. Is it installed on the map, if so whereabouts? Thanks for the updated version.