Userprofile of BY SETKA
Member since 8 / 2014

Punkte: 1.176
Modder Level 10
Rank: #1738
First name: no entry Age & Gender: m City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage


no entry
  1. BY SETKA 01. 01 2016

    Mod: Platform Trailer
    Configurado para Joistyck

  2. BY SETKA 17. 12 2014

    Mod: Agro Frost
    Nueva Actualización.
    New Update

  3. BY SETKA 16. 12 2014

    Mod: Agro Frost
    No need to decompress and Checks conflict with any mod. Have An UPDATE last game?

  4. BY SETKA 16. 12 2014

    Mod: Agro Frost
    Solution to these errors:
    Error: Hidden files are not allowed 'map / Miscellaneous / People / modelosnuevos /'
    Error: Hidden files are not allowed 'map / Miscellaneous / People / modelosnuevos /' ...... This error is because these images are in stealth mode. Solution. Habrir the file destination folder and enable view hidden files, then right-click on the images and properties and disable hidden tab.

    For these errors:
    Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
    Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//door.png'.
    Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
    Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.
    Error: Can not load resource '/AgroFrorst_2015_V1/map/mas//'.

    Solution is to open the map i3d with a text editor and replace "// more for" most / least a slash.
    Sorry for the inconvenience: ((

    1 replies

  5. BY SETKA 16. 12 2014

    Mod: Agro Frost
    Hallo, ich werde alle Texturen zu korrigieren und die Verknüpfung mit der korrigierten Karte ändern. Vielen Dank für Ihre Kommentare, dazu beitragen, die Karte.
    Grüße an alle ...

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