However ...
I have made some changes of the torque settings and engine sound on my mods.
Will this script do changes in the xml files? (If I do not like this script and delete it ... will all my mods go back to the way they where before?)
Not directly. You can changes the Values, that get a standard Script from the xml file. While the Mod is zipped, you cant save the xml while the Game is running. So you will never changes zips in your Modfolder with an Script.
But changes torque settings global is not very recommendable because here can be big differents from vehicle to vehicle..
Very nice mod, I downloaded it a long time ago, but just tried it out now on the NH Bundle-pack, I only have one question: Is there a way to turn the HUD on and off in-game, preferably without using the "Hudhider" script ?
7 Comments for Gearbox Addon
zzzMrGearboxAddon: no configuration found for inserting gearboxMogli into JohnDeere_9870sts_Harvester/caseIH7130.xml
C:/Users/Rik Sauer/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//zzzMrGearboxAddon/zzzMrGearboxAddonConfig.xml
Nothing found at index: 154
C:/Users/Rik Sauer/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//zzzMrGearboxAddonConfig.xml
mrGearboxMogli: Initialization of client...
Error: Render device Error: Unknown.
zzzMrGearboxAddon: looking for default configuration (default)
mrGearboxMogli: Initialization of client...
und er funktioniert nicht in allen mods
Bitte fixxen danke
Interesting ... I would love to try this out!
However ...
I have made some changes of the torque settings and engine sound on my mods.
Will this script do changes in the xml files? (If I do not like this script and delete it ... will all my mods go back to the way they where before?)
how do you work the gear box
Very nice mod, I downloaded it a long time ago, but just tried it out now on the NH Bundle-pack, I only have one question: Is there a way to turn the HUD on and off in-game, preferably without using the "Hudhider" script ?
Is there any chance to improve the HUD of this great mod ???
Is there anyway to get the g27 clutch working in game?
Übersetzt aus dem Englisch.
Gibt es trotzdem, um das g27 Kupplung zum Laufen zu bringen? Wenn ja, könnten Sie bitte einen Link.
How does the handgas work?