Download download Mod pack 'John Deere 9870 STS-BaDoTo Pack'

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9 Comments for John Deere 9870 STS-BaDoTo Pack

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  1. polaris600 28. 03 2011

    Sorry i don't speak german , hopefully someone can translate this for you guys.

    If you can't start this combine here is how to fix it

    open the manualIgnition.lua and look for this line
    self.ignitionKey = false; change this to true and it will work ;D

    1 replies

  2. olhund 27. 03 2011

    super nice John Deere

  3. polaris600 27. 03 2011

    How do we start it ??? i hit (kp.) and it still will not start ??

  4. bencebulla 26. 03 2011

    numpad taste enter so hat es bei mir geklapt

  5. die collision wo das schneidewerk draufliegt wenn man das sw rauflegt

  6. finfin 26. 03 2011

    hello i can not turn on the combine can anybody help me?

    i do not understand much german

    2 replies

  7. _andersen_ 26. 03 2011

    it's a really good machine but theres is some fail

    C:/Users/hp/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/JD9870STSV2/JD9870STSV2.i3d (9.63mb in 2356.65 ms)
    data/vehicles/trailers/bigTipper.i3d (1.04mb in 124.25 ms)
    Physics: wheelRightFront_col failed. Scale not allowed for kinematic or dynamic objects.
    Physics: wheelLeftFront_col failed. Scale not allowed for kinematic or dynamic objects.
    Physics: wheelLeftBack_col failed. Scale not allowed for kinematic or dynamic objects.
    Physics: wheelRightBack_col failed. Scale not allowed for kinematic or dynamic objects.

  8. Toller mod Klasse teil

  9. maik975 26. 03 2011

    super guter Mod
    hamma video
