Download download Mod '2016 Ford F-350 Jerr-Dan Rollback'

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1 Comments for 2016 Ford F-350 Jerr-Dan Rollback

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  1. aklein 07. 03 2017

    Really nice mod, I found a few things that could be corrected. First you have manual engine start the engine sound does not stop after turning the engine off. The mod starts with the engine off when buying it but once you get in and start it the sound for the motor does not stop when the engine is turned off. Second is the license plate on the roll back does not move with the roll back bed. If you move the bed back and angle it and then look at the truck the license plate is floating in the air. but when the bed is flat and all the way up on the truck body the license appears attached to the roll back bed. Final thing is the camera view when something is locked on the roll back bed if your not first person. the camera seems to lock to a few that ends up being inside what ever is on the truck bed making driving in third person impossible if the lock script is in place. if I did manage to get a third person view by being off to the side a bit the item on the back of the truck would shutter back and forth on the bed while in motion. love the mod other wise. wish it was a chevy or dodge but thats personal preference.

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