Download download Mod pack 'Kleinseelheim'

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7 Comments for Kleinseelheim

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  1. Warondar69 10. 08 2016

    Great looking FS2013 import map. Love the details and how everything is meant for small equipment. I did run into a couple of problems though. The silage silo just behind the cowshed doesn't seem to work, at least I couldn't get any info in the help hud when driving through it.
    Also, I'm unable to save the map. It just hangs and I need to ctrl+alt+del to get out of the save screen.
    Hoping to find a solution since it's a map worth keeping.

  2. PhoeniX_NL 03. 07 2016

    Great map!
    But is it in someway possible to reduce the dirt when you drive trough mud ?
    As it gets instant full dirty any tool etc ..

  3. xlover 22. 05 2016

    This is a awesome map well done

  4. Ls15_Austria 08. 05 2016

    Hi mit was transportiere ich die H Milch

    2 replies

  5. 00Johansson00 01. 04 2016

    Hello! Can someone tell me how I get my beef cows in my oeb trailer? And where does I sell the pigs and beefs?

  6. tetes 22. 03 2016

    How I can open the doors? Thanks

    1 replies

  7. momo66 14. 03 2016

    Hey erst mal danke für diese Super Map, wir würden sie jetzt gerne in MP spielen. nur zeigt er folgende Fehler aufg dem Server an: kannst du da abhilfe schaffen ?

    Space character not recommended in filename: 'map/models/buildings/Kleiner Unterstand/Texturen/'
    Space character not recommended in filename: 'map/models/buildings/Kleiner Unterstand/Texturen/'
    WAV audio file 'map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/Textures/PigAmbi.wav' is too big. Size 8.19 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    DDS texture file 'map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/Textures/' is too big. Size 21.33 MB (max. 6.00 MB)
    PNG texture file 'map/models/objects/pigForageMaster_placeable/forageMasterPreview.png' is too big. Size 8.22 MB (max. 4.00 MB)
    WAV audio file 'map/sounds/kuhstall.wav' is too big. Size 3.08 MB (max. 3.00 MB)
    GRLE file count too high. 16 found (max. 8)

    1 replies
