Download download Mod 'Väderstad Soil Mod Set'

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7 Comments for Väderstad Soil Mod Set

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  1. ciggy001 19. 02 2017

    Can we please have this for FS 17? Was the best mod pack ever!

  2. JDisgod 03. 04 2016

    this mod always makes a mess of my game, like crashing when trying to purchase and so on.

  3. ciggy001 13. 01 2016

    Is it possible to change the topdown to a cultivator? I think it suits the implement better than a plough...

  4. unregistered user 09. 01 2016

    Hello monteur1!
    We add only this mod to our MP and now my friends can't join :'( please fix it, I love this set, thank you so much!

    WillyCZE joined the game
    dataS/character/player/playerMP.i3d (4.55 ms)
    C:/Users/AiggaCZE/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Vaederstad_SoilMod_Pack/vaederstadMontageGabel.i3d (14.44 ms)
    Error: Running LUA method 'packetReceived'.

  5. Pac8850 03. 10 2015

    Can not buy is seeder......The game crash for me -_-

    -5 star if i could

  6. Beunheas 12. 09 2015

    Cool, gute arbeit monteur1!

  7. Darnijll 12. 09 2015

    Really a nice mod and briliiant idea! Only one suggestion... It would be helpful if you add a SoilMod text or the SoilMod logo (with Decker permission) in the store pictures of your implement, so those of us that have other Väderstad seeders and or harrows do not get confused while buying.
    Thanks a lot.

    Cheers =D
