Download download Mod 'John Deere 4850/4955'

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3 Comments for John Deere 4850/4955

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  1. Too bad you didnt adjust the price. For the starting model of 4555 the price should be 15000....

    So that we can play realisticly. Sadly no modder adjust to realistic price, so every mod i download i go on the salesites and adjust prices....

    Great mod though!

  2. Vorden 21. 06 2018

    Very nicely done mod!

  3. RayzerSharp 17. 01 2018

    A nice tractor.. It seems to have originated from the 4755 model. The only issue i have is when i have both the 4755 and 4955 on the same map with courseplay they crash the game for some reason..Other than that its super

    1 replies
