Download download Mod 'NoName Map'

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8 Comments for NoName Map

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  1. pratty83 14. 06 2014

    Hello, please could someone explain where the inn sell point is. I have found one. But can't find the other please could you help do me them thanks

  2. PhoeniX_NL 02. 06 2014

    Really a nice map.
    But i do hope you will make a updated version with field numbers.
    Sinds now it is really hard to tell which field is where haha

  3. Scrollmouse 29. 05 2014

    Great looking map! Nice medium size. But i have one problem. I can't find the (liquid) manure triggers at the farms. So i can't fill my manure spreader. The manure trigger at the BGA works well btw. Am i the only one with this problem?

  4. daddyoli 28. 05 2014

    Great map ! A lot of details, realistic landscape, not too flat and not too hilly (for low HP tractors) and various activities to be busy. Thanks for the job done.
    However, I do not know whether I am silly (I hope not) but I cannot find the place to fill-in water and it seems placeable objects are not accepted. And at least I cannot find all eggs laid by hens (is there like a treasury map to find them ;)...)

    1 replies

  5. Can u make the roads, at the houses a little bigger :)

    great map mate !

  6. xzero0 S.L.O 28. 05 2014

    Is there going to be a MR version of the map?

  7. Matt26 28. 05 2014

    Make buying fields and a map for hours.

  8. PhoeniX_NL 28. 05 2014

    I've got a high-end pc.
    But the frames are dropping alot :S

    1 replies
