Download download Map 'Oklahoma usa'

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14 Comments for Oklahoma usa

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  1. saxokeld 01. 04 2017

    Hi what is wrong with my game, i play and when i save the game and end the game, and when i go into the game again everything is gone, all my tractors and compines are gone.... Everything is gone, and its only with this map all my other maps works

  2. regularguy 26. 02 2017

    The greenhouse takes granular fertilizer at this time. It doesn't recognize the liquid fertilizer. The sawmill doesnt need pallets to be made it generates it automatically

  3. regularguy 23. 02 2017

    If all vehicles disappears Rayamo you have a mod conflict causing them to disappear

  4. Hubert52 21. 02 2017

    I downloaded your map it shure has potential but the minimap or pda is totaly off and also when you look treu escape it's impossible to see where everithing is
    I mean the farm and your storages are not indicated and where the animals are so it would be a great help if you fix this makes it more easy to play

  5. regularguy 16. 02 2017

    New update coming out this weekend. Fixes particle errors on some fruits. Changed rye texture. Working on the train wheels on the one train not running right. Updated scripts for new patch. Changing sample mod picture. Any suggestions comment below here will release update on sunday

  6. david-prince 13. 02 2017

    now that i can play it i have it running on my server 24/7
    Prince's Farming. Plus a couple more mods.

    only thing i have a problem with is the red cycles in the map (idk what there for)
    and it being called a sample map still.

    other then those 2 thing i havent found any issues.
    great map keep it coming. i will update my server with each update of the map.

  7. regularguy 11. 02 2017

    Giants patch 1.4 has caused errors in map with pallet spawning. This will be fixed once next update that is coming soon will fix the issue.

  8. regularguy 09. 02 2017

    The particle error is from the millet that was not added to the particle systen that somehow i missed. Map in log runs with no errors now. Alot of verious fixes made. Map compatible with new update 1.4 also compatible with season mod. Map size under multi-player limit. Update coming out today 2-9-17

  9. david-prince 07. 02 2017

    having a problem, checked the log and heres what comes up

    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    dataS/scripts/utils/ParticleUtil.lua(162) : attempt to index local 'particleSystem' (a number value)
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    dataS/scripts/utils/ParticleUtil.lua(162) : attempt to index local 'particleSystem' (a number value)
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.

    i have run this map with no mods what so ever and still got it.. hope this is fixed in the next release, loved Oklahoma in 15, was hoping it would come to 17

  10. blaine83 06. 02 2017

    i can not get the map to show up when I load the game what file do I need in my mod folder to play the game I would like to play this map but it will not show up for me

  11. Heroic7480 03. 02 2017

    After changing the moddesc nr to 30 the map showed up ingame, but starting up it made a lot of LUA errors: C:/Users/Henrik/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/OklahomaV1/scripts/CombineStrawFix.lua:49: attempt to compare number with nil
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.

    1 replies

  12. regularguy 02. 02 2017

    update on v1.2 Flying cars have been fixed. fixed the car in the building when you spawn into game. fixed beer production since the pallets were balck when spawning. trying to figure out the train wheels not following the track on the one train. chopped straw has been added to the map.Reducing the size of the map too. pda will be updated as well

  13. regularguy 02. 02 2017

    All will be fixed in the next update. My apologies for missing the pda pic aa a main pic for the download. Will correct

  14. unregistered user 01. 02 2017

    Hello why is the card 1.9 gb large?
