Ok so three days later and many hours, firstly thanks to Julian for the map, it is wonderfully immersive and a great job of rendering a new environment. I will keep playing it; BUT BE WARNED - this is not a map for beginners and I'm not just saying that because its a challenging map but also because if you want to make proper use of this map you will have to have some modding ability; just for example the fill triggers at silo's didn't work and needed me to go add the extra types in Giants editor. If you can do these types of small things then go for it, its gorgeous; if not - leave this map for now.
Please help me, I have searched for forum or google references but nothing, I REEEEALLY want to play this map. The minute I save the milk robot disappears and I have tested there is no trigger to accept straw so no manure; even though milk keeps being produced. I kind of feel funny about starting a long career on a map that has an issue form the start. I spent a day trying to find the problem in Giants editor and still no joy. The You Tube videos are not helpful and nobody else seems to notice the problem but one you tube video I noticed no milk robot. I really would appreciate some help!
Ok so here goes humble pie: when I read the German I realized that this was deliberate and a part of the map, I also humbly submitted top your suggestion that these things can be done on by my self so I spent a ay and learned AND if anyone is interested and Julian12 agrees, I have a version now that has a simple matched cow-shelter with a Straw plane under it with fill trigger that gets your manure going and I can give you the link to a truck trigger with milk tank so you can place it in-game and use your milk yourself if you like, so it is not hard to get Glenvar up to standard FS15 animal husbandry ops, AGAIN Julian hope you don't mind but I had to play this map, so thank you very very much for an absolute work of art.
9 Comments for Glenvar Farm
Ok so three days later and many hours, firstly thanks to Julian for the map, it is wonderfully immersive and a great job of rendering a new environment. I will keep playing it; BUT BE WARNED - this is not a map for beginners and I'm not just saying that because its a challenging map but also because if you want to make proper use of this map you will have to have some modding ability; just for example the fill triggers at silo's didn't work and needed me to go add the extra types in Giants editor. If you can do these types of small things then go for it, its gorgeous; if not - leave this map for now.
Please help me, I have searched for forum or google references but nothing, I REEEEALLY want to play this map. The minute I save the milk robot disappears and I have tested there is no trigger to accept straw so no manure; even though milk keeps being produced. I kind of feel funny about starting a long career on a map that has an issue form the start. I spent a day trying to find the problem in Giants editor and still no joy. The You Tube videos are not helpful and nobody else seems to notice the problem but one you tube video I noticed no milk robot. I really would appreciate some help!
I cant find where to tip my grain... So where???
it will not load on my p.c
nice map lasted 15 mins, annoying bird sounds,
got stuck driving around on the map, look at pict i posted
great map but where did you find that large seeder from picture 9 and 11
What is the Massey combine?
Glenvar doesn`t have animals..
I think was a good idea because the game became boring with this kind of map.