Download download Mod 'Goldcrest production map xxl'

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5 Comments for Goldcrest production map xxl

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  1. scooby 14. 02 2017

    hi people as you may know that the fabrikscript no longer works for this map as regards the pallets so here is a work around the problem download the FillablePalletFix.lua and put this in the script folder and add an entry to the modDesc.xml under <extraSourceFiles>
    <sourceFile filename="scripts/FillablePalletFix.lua" />
    this should get the pallets working again

  2. nitroxx1981 11. 03 2017

    First of all, a big thank you for this brilliant map !!! I only play with her.
    I have 2 questions:
    - where can eggs be sold?
    - where can I find a tank capable of transporting water and milk in large quantities to supply the machines?b
    Big thanks :)

  3. huseyinsayar 02. 02 2017

    I would like to have production sites such as Factory, Lumber Workshop, Palette Workshop marked on the PDA and open to the "Visit" button.

  4. regularguy 02. 02 2017

    All will be fixed in v1.2 i have missed the pda picture as a main picture in the description. My apologies and will correct.

  5. T-Rev1170 01. 02 2017

    So is this an update for the map or a new one all together?
