Download download Map 'Agrarfrost'

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5 Comments for Agrarfrost

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  1. billybear1 24. 03 2013

    Hi map is great but I watch one of your videos and could you tell me the name of the straw trailer which u are useing .I was trying to find somethink like this but with no luck. Keep the maps rolling .pablo.

  2. Naidis 12. 03 2013

    Hey :)

    Who tell me where I can get water ;)

  3. Flywheel 01. 03 2013

    Eddie02, i am sorry i spoke too soon, last night i worked field two for about 3 hours harvesting and so on, and it went fine, this morning i have had at least 8-9 crashes, and i see Tiago has kindly posted, you do need a new map/., Sad i had built an empire. haha

    Yes Tiago is definately the best map maker. Pete

  4. Flywheel 01. 03 2013

    No you don't i just started from where i left off. Pete

    1 replies

  5. Flywheel 01. 03 2013

    Thanks very much Tiago, Peter
