Download download Mod 'Bergmoor2K15'

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4 Comments for Bergmoor2K15

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  1. amonbonfills 17. 05 2015

    Really great map, still playing on it.
    Do you have in plan to add more fruits?

  2. unregistered user 15. 01 2015

    Error: C:/Users/EpicPrydaMods/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Bergmoor2K15Beta/map/map01/fruit_density.png(0). Error document empty..

    No pda!

    1 replies

  3. ozgamer 15. 01 2015

    first of all, thankyou for the map,
    now my recommendations are thus,
    fix the pda so you can see where everything is, and makes driving to locations a lot easier,
    I didn't see a freight yard, which means there isn't anywhere to sell logs or timber or grains etc
    tree's around fields are a big no no, anything your harvester can crash into, is also a big no no, so please consider remove obstacles around fields,

    i download a lot of maps, more for prosterity reasons, ie someday this game will be ancient so i archive as many maps as i see fit, and i hope with time yours will improve to be archived in this time capsule,

    keep up the good work.

    1 replies

  4. Mythic 14. 01 2015

    most people down vote because of the crappy and ultra slow Uploaded download links

    map looks great keep up good work will wait for a V1.0 and a direckt download link

    2 replies
