Download download Mod 'John Deere 8020 Serie'

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19 Comments for John Deere 8020 Serie

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  1. Rysiu_77_ 25. 01 2018

    Hello, I am writing this comment because I wanted to inform you that I fixed errors in JD 8020/8030 Series related to the front axes, back hydraulic and fixed error in other animation. The tractors work correctly on the latest patch ( I planne to release corrected JD 8020/8030 Series in the near future.

  2. Rysiu_77_ 17. 11 2017

    Thank you for the information, I will try to fix this error in the front axes. More info in soon...

  3. Lumpiyy 16. 02 2024

    kann mir jemand sagen welcher grubber das sit auf dem bild? danke im voraus

  4. mark0 25. 08 2018

    can anyone help me and give me a clue on how to download this so i can use it on fs17 please

  5. Emre ayiboan 10. 06 2018

    The camera angle is so weird. After playing 4, 5 minutes im starting to feel sick. SOmething like motion sickness. Can you adjust the cmera angle please? Or at least tell me how to do it ?l do it myself on my copy. The mod is perfect but the camera anlge is soo bad. Please fix it or tell me how can i fix it on my copy. Please. ? cant play like that it makes me feel sick and my head aches.

  6. JUKIGAM3S 24. 02 2018

    nice mood I like this

  7. Tijson 03. 02 2018

    Hi Rysiu,

    Thank you very much! Are you planning to fix your other models too? Really hope so.

    1 replies

    1. Rysiu_77_ 03. 02 2018

      Yes, I plan to fix other models. I have finish a John Deere 8030 Series. I planne to release corrected JD 8030 Series in the near future.

  8. olhund 18. 01 2018

    yes, the log is clear

    but there are errors, in the rear lift arm has uploaded 2 pictures

  9. where is the front axle fix ?

  10. Emre ayiboan 15. 01 2018

    Why are you modder do this strange camera angle? ?t makes me feel sick. ? can't play with this camera angle. The mod is just perfect but i can't play it, i just feel sick when i play with it.

  11. sintara 06. 01 2018

    this takes 34 mins to download as your upload site spams me with BUY premium

  12. STIANBY 07. 12 2017

    The front axle is not looking quite well..

  13. not only the 3 point hitch works good with update 1.5.1, the front axle is weird too...please fix it!

    2 replies

  14. ometinus 03. 11 2017

    the tractor is realy nice, but with the update 1.5.1 the rear 3-point hitch acts weird.
    Is there a way to fix this?

  15. Mi.Senior 02. 05 2017

    The sound inside and outside the cabin is exactly the same. This has to be setup.

  16. FunteX 13. 02 2017

    Could someone please fix the front suspensionarms and the animation of the front axle. It is driving me nuts knowing that it is only the wheel that is moving and not the actual suspension that moves

  17. unregistered user 26. 01 2017

    Can you make the front arm openable by a hotkey in addition to IC please?

    Also please remove the light effect and make it look like other tractors.

  18. mackintosh 14. 01 2017

    Quite possibly the best freely available JD tractor out there. Almost perfect.

  19. jocesz 13. 01 2017

    Very nice job! Yeah. Would you do a version that does not have "lights effect"?
