Userprofile of White_Rhino
Member since 10 / 2013
About White_Rhino
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Kögel Flatbed semitrailers
v 1.20 Downloads today3,094 Downloads totalUser rating10 said thankspublished Sun, 08 Nov 2015 15:23:41 GMT in - TrailersKögel Faltbed Washable Wheeltracs / dust RUL Baleattacher Mooringblocks Steeringaxle Keep DL Have fun
featured Scania R 730 Streamline Agro Truck
v 1.0 colorchoice1 Downloads today9,059 Downloads totalUser rating31 said thankspublished Sun, 27 Sep 2015 12:05:08 GMT in - ScaniaScania R 730 Streamline Agro Truck - Basic Script - Color Choice - IC Control (Body parts) - Saddel up / down - Work Lights - Daylights - Indoor Lights - Trailer / Trailer low / PTO Have fun...
featured Scania R730 Streamline
v 1.00 Downloads today7,608 Downloads totalUser rating36 said thankspublished Tue, 18 Aug 2015 18:36:28 GMT in - ScaniaScania R 730 Streamline Basic Script IC control (body parts) Amaturenbeleuchtung Open pipe Turbosound Train Horn Skamler Up Down Have fun Support:
featured Krampe SB 3063 Set
v 1.00 Downloads today19,805 Downloads totalUser rating38 said thankspublished Mon, 08 Jun 2015 05:17:00 GMT in - TrailersKrampe SB 3063 Pack to go with my Scania Content: -Krampe SB 3063 color selection -Krampe SB 3063 ST Color Picker -Details Added model and texture changes -ST With lifting axle is lifted...
featured Kögel Silotrailer Gigaliner Set
v 1.00 Downloads today14,172 Downloads totalUser rating49 said thankspublished Sun, 03 May 2015 14:50:00 GMT in - TrailersKögel Silotrailer Gigaliner Pack (Suitable for Scania R730 Silver) Basic script (Washable Wheel Tracks) Filltypes; wheat rape maize barley seeds fertilizer lime About charging function and trigger...
featured Scania R 730 Silver
v 3.1 Farbauswahl0 Downloads today22,101 Downloads totalUser rating48 said thankspublished Thu, 09 Apr 2015 05:27:18 GMT in - ScaniaScania R 730 Topline Silver V8 facelift Full basic script IC control (bull bar, Biglights, Weights) Indoor Lights Open pipe turbo sound Train Horn Saddle up down Logfree V3.1 Liftaxle. New...
featured Daf XF 105 510
v 1.10 Downloads today8,184 Downloads totalUser rating21 said thankspublished Sun, 14 Sep 2014 15:13:29 GMT in - DAFFunctions: -Einzelradaufhängung (Good driving behavior 80 kmh) -Wheelparticle -Drivingparticle -Realexhaustparticle -Beleuchtete Amaturen -Eslimiter -BelV31 -Indoorsounds -Animated Parts...
featured Riedler Runge trailer
v 1.01 Downloads today3,971 Downloads totalUser rating20 said thankspublished Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:18:41 GMT in - fifth wheelRiedler Runge trailer for the transport of wood. Bel v31 Wheelparticle Drivingparticle Loadsecuring LockSteeringaxle Chocks Rul Extendable Langguttafel Working lights Baleattacher Support...
featured Riedler Rungenauflieger
v 1.12 Downloads today11,369 Downloads totalUser rating39 said thankspublished Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:26:31 GMT in - TrailersRiedler Runge trailer for transporting long timber. Bel v31 Wheelparticle Drivingparticle Loadsecuring LockSteeringaxle Chocks Rul Support
featured Bergmann TSW 7340 S
v 1.0 MR0 Downloads today48,229 Downloads totalUser rating95 said thankspublished Wed, 18 Jun 2014 18:11:00 GMT in - manure spreaderConverted standard spreader Transport and deploy Variable Body Wheel / Driving Particle Chocks Abladeanimation Controlpannel Bel.V31 Support.
featured Volvo FH 16
v 1.0 MR3 Downloads today19,017 Downloads totalUser rating52 said thankspublished Wed, 28 May 2014 15:52:57 GMT in - VolvoConverted ETS model with various changes Functions: Independent suspension (Good driving behavior 80 kmh) Wheelparticle Drivingparticle Realexhaustparticle Lighted Fixtures...
featured Koegel Flatbed trailers
v 1.0 MR1 Downloads today10,044 Downloads totalUser rating31 said thankspublished Sat, 24 May 2014 16:33:08 GMT in - TrailersMatching trailer for my truck Bel v31 Wheelparticle Drivingparticle Baleattacher LockSteeringaxle Chocks No reupload without permission keep Dl Link
featured Renault Premium 460
v 1.0 MR0 Downloads today12,701 Downloads totalUser rating39 said thankspublished Sat, 24 May 2014 14:48:29 GMT in - TrucksETS2 Renault Premium Functions: Independent suspension Wheelparticle Drivingparticle Realexhaustparticle ESLimiter BelV31 Indoor Sounds Lighted Fixtures Rear hitch...
Volvo FH 16 2A
v 1 .0 Raiffeisen0 Downloads today4,644 Downloads totalUser rating23 said thankspublished Mon, 21 Apr 2014 20:19:01 GMT in - VolvoNow also available as 2 axles Functions: Independent suspension (Good driving behavior 80 kmh) -Wheelparticle -Drivingparticle -Realexhaustparticle -Lighted Fixtures -ESLimiter -BelV31...
featured Koegel Silotanker
v 1.0 Raiffeisen0 Downloads today9,831 Downloads totalUser rating41 said thankspublished Thu, 10 Apr 2014 08:38:46 GMT in - TrailersMatching trailer for my truck Filltypes. wheat rape maize barley Bel v31 Wheelparticle Drivingparticle LockSteeringaxle Chocks Cover...
featured Iveco Stralis AS 600
v 1.0 Raiffeisen1 Downloads today15,062 Downloads totalUser rating46 said thankspublished Thu, 10 Apr 2014 08:38:25 GMT in - IvecoETS2 Iveco Stralis Functions: Independent suspension Wheelparticle Drivingparticle Realexhaustparticle ESLimiter BelV31 Indoor Sounds Rear hitch 6 separately...
featured Koegel tanker
v 1.00 Downloads today6,751 Downloads totalUser rating16 said thankspublished Sun, 23 Feb 2014 06:54:03 GMT in - TrailersMatching trailer to my truck, 2 sizes once L 25500 and 45500 L. Suited for standard dolly. (See pictures) Filltypes. Milk / water ---- Special milk kan be loaded trigger on the standard...
featured Scania R730 Topline
v 1.0 Black1 Downloads today8,314 Downloads totalUser rating27 said thankspublished Mon, 13 Jan 2014 11:04:17 GMT in - ScaniaHere, the 2 axle version of my Scania Functions: Independent suspension (good drivability at high speed) Wheelparticle Drivingparticle Realexhaustparticle ESLimiter BelV31 Indoor Sounds V8...
featured Liebherr L 550
v 1.2 MR0 Downloads today57,443 Downloads total46 commentsUser rating67 said thankspublished Thu, 19 Dec 2013 11:09:38 GMT in - ExevatorsUmgebauter Standart Lader mit neuem Skin und platzierbarer Rampe. Fahrverhalten Arm und Schaufel bewegung angepasst. fruitTypes="manure silage potato sugarBeet chaff wheat rape maize barley" Wheelparticle...
featured HKD 302 White
v 1.1 MR2 Downloads today9,107 Downloads totalUser rating28 said thankspublished Thu, 19 Dec 2013 07:04:00 GMT in - fifth wheelHere is my White Edition, which I have built as the game was straight out. BelV31 Wheelparticle Plane on / to fruit types = "wheat rape maize barley chaff potato sugarbeet" /> Keep original...
Mod: ScaniaR730_Streamliner
Wer richtigen streamliner will sollte besser warten
Mod: Joskin Silospace 2245
Wage ich mal zu bezweifeln das der in echt bei dir läuft , oder du hast nen 20/45 mit 22/45 Aufklebern
Geklaut, gibt keine V2 hier der Originale
Mod: Joskin Silospace 22/45
Ist ein 20/45 kein 22/45
Mod: Schmitz SKI 24
Die Reifen habe ich erstellt, ist mir egal wo du die her hast
Mod: Iveco Stralis 600 HP
Original 9mb, wer das hier lädt ist selber schuld
Mod: Iveco Stralis 600 HP
Keine Freigabe, ist gemeldet
Mod: Mod manager
Super Sache das,vielen dank. Keine Ahnung warum das "nicht gut" sein soll. Das Bewertungssystem scheint nicht zu greifen.
Mod: Riedler Wood Pendant
Echt ne Frechheit, bau dir nen eigenen Anhänger
Mod: Liebherr L 550
Wie ich dir schon per Pm sagte Mr Mod im Modordner und läuft
Mod: Liebherr L 550
Logisch, die Früchte stehen auch nicht in der Beschreibung , falls du die gelesen hast. Grass und Stroh mit Schaufel..
Mod: Liebherr L 550
hat nichts mit dem Mod zu tun, spiele auch mit Controler
Mod: ETS Wood Trailer
Schön neu Hochgeladen, du Held
Mod: Liebherr L 550
If the Liebherr gets the recommendation and more than 3 stars, I will make a new version.
Falls der Radlader noch die 4 sterne und Empehlung knackt mach ich noch ne Version. Sonst nicht
Mod: John Deere Trike
idee gut, umsetzung leider nicht . 1 Stern is bissel hart bewertet, WTF. von mir bekommste 3
Mod: USA 2000CF
Wirklich net schlecht, proportionen stimmen leider net ganz und Reifen sind zu gross
Mod: Liebherr L 550
Der Dl Link wurde heut Mittag sofort geändert, ist alles gefixt
Leider steht der Hinweis net mehr da. Zensur oder so