Member since 5 / 2011
Userprofile of wackoo
Flags Netherlands Provinces
ago almost 12 years
Quivogne Cultivator
ago almost 13 years
Quivogne Cultivator
ago almost 13 years
Flags - The Netherlands Provinces
ago over 13 years
ago over 13 years
Lizard 2000
ago almost 14 years
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Mod: Pöttinger Mex6 front
Textur isn't correct.. used the wrong path..
"../../../../../../../Program Files (x86)/Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013/data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerMex6Cutter_diffuse.png"
Easy fixable, but a real beginner mistake.
Mod: Bergmann HTW 45
Unfortunately it semi-freezes my game.
D:/Code/Giants/lsim2013/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(87) : attempt to index local 'actionData' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'draw'
Mod: Mountain and valley
It's looking great!.. I've did a quick peek trough the I3D, awesome detail, with all the woodenplanks that you've used to build thing, amazing!
Mod: NFerLSer NordfrieslandMap
This map isn't payable due to not ending a description line.
<de>Eine atemberaubende Karte mit einer Umgebung die es auch in der Realitaet gibt.>
Should be:
<de>Eine atemberaubende Karte mit einer Umgebung die es auch in der Realitaet gibt.</de>
Mod: Modsource
The required mods are needed to let the scale work, and able to save the silo's that use the functionality of Heady.
Mod: Modsource
You're probably using a mod that is causing problem, We regulary play with the map and mods listed above and no problems occure.
Mod: Modsource V5 Final, Edited by
That was probably the Nordrheinwestfalen map, no idea why that got uploaded here.
This mod does not work in MP, I've just tested it, only as Host you are able to create a heap, but none else see's it.