Member since 2 / 2013
Userprofile of RTR52
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A Hagenstedt
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A Hagenstedt
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A Hagenstedt
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A Hagenstedt
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A Hagenstedt
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A Hagenstedt
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A Hagenstedt
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A Hagenstedt
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Mod: Super Pack Lizard
Thanks for sharing your work. The Lizard 2000 may not get use on the farm, but my grandson will have a blast driver that around. The 2850 and 7210 were always favorites of mine. I do prefer orange wheels on the 2850. With a few tweeks on the speed the 2850 and 7210 will be very useful on the farm.
Mod: Podlasie 2.1
This may be the problem. "Error: Invalid mod name 'Podlasiev2.1'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit" Got this from log.
Mod: Podlasie 2.1
Does not load in game. Doesn't show up to select map.
Mod: Pipaland new
Great ideas. Flickering textures need work. Yard lights cause problems, make it difficult to to drive around yard, town and store. Thanks for sharing your map and machines.
Mod: Driving 67
I fore got one of the best parts. This allows you to use a hired man to cut grass.
Mod: Driving 67
Thanks so much for sharing your work. I like your idea. I to use a combine to cut grass. Thanks to you I now have a larger fleet. I have a Nivia combine that I can attach a Horal forage wagon and collect grass windrow or straw at the same time. Very handy for a single player like my self. As for the grass seed I add grass to the feeding troughs or "openShedTipTrigger", with GE. By the way the Nivia also collects chaff with the other trailers.
Mod: Gaz 53 Pack
AWESOME!! Been looking for an old farm truck and this one is perfect. Great work!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Mod: John Deere 2850 Lizard
Nice old tractor, runs well. Sure I'll find work for her. Thanks for sharing your work with us.
Mod: Nieciekawa
GREAT map! Very nice work.
Mod: Bolusowo
Great small map! Having hours of fun farming! Did add a Futterlager, just something I like to have on the farm. Keep up the nice work! Thanks so much!
Mod: Corn in rows
SWEET!! GREAT WORK!!! Really looks real!
Mod: Pig
Have problem. Can't open p*ss I3D in GE. Imported Pig mod to map, now map does not load. Any help??
Mod: Niva Pack
GREAT mod!!! Works well. Corrected the UV error with this,,, Also increased the grain tank size, allows me to harvest and collect chaff from a medium size field with out stopping.
Thanks much for the GREAT Mod!!