Userprofile of Petorious
Member since 6 / 2011
Member since 6 / 2011
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
ago over 10 years
NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
ago over 10 years
Multi terrain
ago almost 12 years
Multi terrain
ago almost 12 years
Multi terrain
ago almost 12 years
Multi terrain
ago almost 12 years
Knuston farm Northamptonshire
ago about 12 years
Knuston farm Northamptonshire
ago about 12 years
Knuston farm Northamptonshire
ago about 12 years
Knuston farm Northamptonshire
ago about 12 years
Knuston farm Northamptonshire
ago about 12 years
Knuston Farm main Erweitert
ago about 9 years -
Great Plains Simba SL500
ago over 9 years -
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years -
Knuston Farm Extended
ago almost 10 years
This user hasn't created any projects yet.
Mod: JCB 536.70 Agri
Yes it is a reskin, something of which I am not normally a fan. However how this one has been done has meant it looks rather good.
Anyway nobody is asking you to download it, so take your cruddy remarks with you.
Mod: JCB 536.70 Agri
To everyone
There is a tiny error that effects nothing other than when you first buy the mod and connect it up to a tool, you'll then notice its not aligned together until you raise fully and lower fully.
I will upload the fix shortly.
Mod: John Deere 7280 R
Just about every John Deere uploaded is either a poor convert or a very poor mod from scratch, and this is just another in that class. 0/5.
Mod: Massey Ferguson 7626
Why all the textures, why all the poor annotation. Your mods are at best ok.
Mod: Knuston Farm Extended
Thanks for the kind comment, its a basic map but its the exact layout to what I look out form my bedroom window and for me playing this map is like walking out of my back garden.
Mod: NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
Modsauger - The claas quadrant bales need an attribute adding, the baler needs unzipping and each bale needs the attibute is strawbale to it. then it will work. if you download the kuhn 1290iD from fs uk and look at the bale attributes, as that already has the correct setup.
Mod: NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
This mod is a free mod so anyone that is willing to do anything with it can have permission, I have lsot time with FS13 so I wont be doing anymore to it.
Mod: NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
Oh I do apologise, then no they wont, they with work you could change one of the 4 bale type slots on the trailer to accept this, though it is a fair bit of work.
Mod: NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
No the standard square bales are a touch smaller and standard round bales are larger than the bjr 180 ones, however modifying the trailer to suit your self is possible and you could with abit of knowledge redo one of the bale slots to fit larger ones or other types.
Mod: NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
If its the size of the small or round and it has the attribute isRoundbale added to the bales on the baler then yes :)
Mod: NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
Yes physically locked its an autostacker, you can unload left, right, back or on top of trailer but due to trailer colli its best not to unload on trailer. A better description will be put up some time.
Mod: AutoCombine
Well done on such a brilliant tool, it works very well and seems more reliable in 2013. I would like to see this in an updated version if at all possible,
PLEASE READ, great idea
In the next version please try to add a function that either allows it to be completely turned off so you can use the original AI (up and down)
Both types of AI (around the edge and up and down working together) in harmony would be the ultimate cherry on the icing.
Mod: New Holland CX8090
Moderators please remove this mod, I thought it would be nice to share my work but I am regretting it on the whole Halycon media as the original makers problem.
Mod: Knuston Northamptonshire
This is my map and wasn't uploaded by me, however the map has just been upgraded due to a bug and there for needs removing, The new version will be released on here by me in the next day or two. Thanks Peter
Mod: Valur Company Inventor 15 49 SCH
You released a mod with UV errors, now you release a mod with no AO texture and a massive poly bomb! And all that for a cultivator, you guys need a re-think on how you make mods, craziness lol.
Mod: Abbey 3000R
I have forwarded this to the FSUK mod team as I am pretty sure you will not have permission to release this, I know the people in the mod team well enough to know you would not get permission to do this.
Mod: Rolland 20-30
This mod is not scale, I have checked and fully rebuilt this mod this morning so it is scale. Its a very good mod but the scale lets it down until you've fixed it lol.