Userprofile of Mingledcar
Member since 8 / 2013

1 JDmaster(bis: 03.10 2018)
Punkte: 5
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: Jami Age & Gender: 24 m City: hollola Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Mingledcar

i love fs2013, I'm from finland, I speak finnish and English and I LOVE JOHN DEERES :D
  1. Mingledcar 01. 08 2019

    Mod: Berry Village Map
    Three stars for this one... The field layout is very good and overall the actual map is good. Quite a few problems tho...

    1. When mowing grass I get absolutely random textures on the windrow
    2. The mod icons are unclear and bad + the text is in russian which is flat out stupid, because most of the community does not speak russian. Those icons should just be the default icons
    3. Compost system etc. is great, but again the russian language...
    4. Multifruit system is a waste of time because AGAIN the russian language
    5. The map doesn't really fit for playing multiplayer, because of the preplaced animal husbandrys and lack of good places to build a farm
    6. Nice that the traffic goes 50km/h, but the cars won't stop until they hit you and don't slow down at intersections
    7. There should be more forest areas

    If these things would be fixed/changed for the seasons version, the map would be one of the best ones.

    You should make a seasons

  2. Mingledcar 03. 10 2018

    Mod: John Deere 7R series 2014
    This might be a weird request, but could you release a version without the adjustable camera... The controls for it are in key bindings I already use and it screws over my IC control bindings... I could of course just change the bindings of the tractor, but if I'll put this on my dedicated server, it will be a mess for everyone. Otherwise perfect mod. Or a guide how to disable it myself and then just upload the mod on my server so everyone gets the same version.

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