Userprofile of Marthu1990
Member since 2 / 2017
Member since 2 / 2017
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About Marthu1990
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Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
ago over 6 years
Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
ago over 6 years
John Deere 8000 Series
ago over 6 years
John Deere 8000 Series
ago over 6 years
John Deere 8000 Series
ago over 6 years
John Deere 8000 Series
ago over 6 years
John Deere 8000 Series
ago over 6 years
Claas Lexion 600
ago over 6 years
Claas Lexion 600
ago over 6 years
Claas Lexion 600
ago over 6 years
Claas Lexion 600
ago over 6 years
Claas Lexion 600
ago over 6 years
Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
ago almost 7 years
Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
ago almost 7 years
Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
ago almost 7 years
Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 800 Series
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 800 Series
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 800 Series
ago almost 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago about 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago about 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago about 7 years
Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
ago about 7 years
Case Maxxum MXM 190
ago over 7 years
Fendt Favorit 800 Series
ago over 7 years
Case Maxxum MXM 190
ago over 7 years
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Mod: Fendt 820 Vario TMS
Du hast nichts gemacht, obwohl du kannst nich lugen. Mod ist 100% von xXMalleXx gemacht und du hast keine Erlaubnis, es hier mit Ihrem Link hinzuzufügen. Es ist der Diebstahl und du willst die Leute glauben machen, dass es ist dein Mod. OMG!
Mod: Claas Lexion 600
Ich hatte eine gute Erlaubnis und echte Beweise und es wurde von Leuten klüger als du überprüft. Du kannst weiter deine Märchen schreiben, für mich macht es Spaß solche dummen Dinge zu lesen.
Mod: Claas Lexion 600
Ich habe auf deinen Kommentar gewartet, weil du immer ein paar dumme Dinge schreibst, von denen ich übersetzen muss. Obwohl ich immer recht habe und du schreibst die Lügen...
Ich versuche immer korrekte Autoren zu geben. Ich habe der Kontakt mit ihnen lange vor der Veröffentlichung. Für mich ist es wichtig, und Sie müssen nicht wie die Polizei in den Kommentaren handeln.
Ich bin an konstruktiver Kritik interessiert, was soll ich verbessern, nicht Kinder, die weinen, weil das Gewicht zu groß ist, für lange Download, oder (die erbärmlichsten), die auf Modder von ein paar Euro hinweisen, um ihre Arbeit zu teilen!
Mod: Claas Lexion 600
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertungen, Fotos und Anzeige ein paar kleine Fehlern ;)
Ja, du hast recht, ein paar Texturen haben zu viel Gewicht. Ich spiele nicht auf der dedi, ich habe es nicht gesehen. Ich werde versuchen, schnell zu verbessern!
Mod: Kotte Taurus 2803 BETA
Warum hat das niemand gemeldet? Warum haben die Moderatoren nicht entfernt? Es sind nur Witze!
Mod wird gestohlen und die Modell Autoren haben keine Zeit, um die Situation herauszufinden... Ich tut ihnen sehr leid...
Mod: Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
Ich weiß nicht, welcher script ist von Blacky. Aber ich habe einen anderen getestet. Leider gibt es Fehler im Protokoll.
Der IC ist gut, weil wir die Wahl haben.
Mod: Fendt Favorit 900 Vario TMS Series
Oder vielleicht können Sie warum schreiben? Beweise?
Wenn nicht, ist das nur gewöhnlicher Spam.
This is a stolen mod with a changed download link. And where are the authors, no authors?! Original authors are SlavoLS, STv-Modding, MarioRoss. This is a joke...
MiaKhalifa is just thieft who add somebody else mods. But who accepted this mod and didn't check it? Shame on you modhoster!
Mod: Case Maxxum MXM 190
The model weight is already 61 mb and where are the textures and the rest? File weight is 100% natural. Think before you write something stupid like that ;)
Mod: Case Maxxum MXM 190
Asked a week ago... Why you ignored my message>
Mod: Claas Xerion 5000 Horse Power
New price and horrible looking unreal exhaust ... New generation Xerion don't have such exhaust. You didn't change the biggest problem - wheels. No important changes in this mod.
If you do not know how to make mods just stop doing this...
Sorry but 1 Star...
Mod: New Holland TM 175/190 big edit
WTF is that?! Reported! Reported!
Not 6.4 but the same as my V1.0
This user steals mods, not just mine! He should be banned.
Modhoster please check mods before accepting them!
Mod: New Holland TM 175/190
So maybe you will write about these authors? The only authors are BJR because this is their model. But they haven't been active for long time and it's hard to contact them. I changed all the rest, all the textures, all the hydraulics... There is no element that is unchanged in programming.
Mod: Fendt Favorit 800 Series
This mod is actually finished.
However, some people write about low fps level so I will do some optimization tests and if I can improve it, will be V3.1
I'm also trying to find better frontloader so maybe, maybe it will be next version ;)
Mod: Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
Thüringer Oberland
It's on a modhoster to download
Mod: Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
Waiting 40 minutes before you get mod is nothing compared to many hours of work which I put in mod. Currently there is no other way to get at least a minimum amount for my work.
Mod: Fendt Favorit 800 Series
Thanks for the suggestions. Version V3 is scheduled for next week, April 18 or 19
Mod: CLAAS Lexion 795 Monster Edition
Great job Bjohn, just like your other lexion 700. Finally, the harvesters can be selected from many models, also limited edition like this one.
Of course 5 stars mod!
Mod: Claas Jaguar 900 Series Type 497
You can't go down much of the file weight. Maybe 90 mb but that is a little difference.
Yes I asked more than a month ago for permission xXMalleXx.
I didn't have any of these errors that you are showing. That's all? Well now I know about them. Will be fast Improved.
Mod: Fendt Favorit 800 Series
I think I also know what the problem was and will be a version with fixes.
I didn't plan Favorit 900 but I was thinking about a diffrent model Favorit 916-926 Vario TMS.
But first i need to finish my other projects ;)
Mod: Fendt Favorit 800 Series
Hello all.
I have a lot of problems with this mod. Someone with nickname "Modding_Inc_Agrartechnik" said that I stole his model.
I never saw any Favorit 800 with this user in credits. All i know is that this one is not his model, it is from TMC (TheModdingCollaboration).
Here you cans see a picture of Trekkerchauffeur working on the Fendt Favorit 800 Series.
I programmed Favorit 800 for FS 17, contacted with TMC but the only person who helped me was deHeasMachinery. He reported my firts Version of this mod so he knows a lot about this model.
At this point, I don't know whether it will be next version with a full washable and better textures because of the reasons above.
I don't know why it didn't work on dedicated server, I will try to find out.
Mod: 2017 JD 9620r
Es ist nicht ein modell aus Turbosquid gekauft?
Mod: Osina
Great map, amazing terrain, massive aumont of details :)
5 stars from me and tahnks for the map
Mod: John Deere 8000 Series
Important! There is a small bug with models 8600i and 8800i
Please replace only xml file:
I won't upload again 105 mb. Sorry for this bug, did't see it on last tests.
Yes, I'm planning to make 4,5 and 7,5 meters headers and also all engine models and new configurations in Final 3 Version. Will be aviable in next 2-3 weeks because i'm currently working on Claas Jaguar 900 Series ;)
Mod: John Deere 8000 Series
Thank you for good notes. I know that there might be shortcomings.
This is version 1.0 and i read all comments to make it better.