Member since 9 / 2012
Userprofile of kunclebucky
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About kunclebucky
Love this game.-
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
Briggs Farm
ago almost 12 years
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Mod: Briggs Farm
Case 4ever if you can't read and you can't download a mod aka chicken coop then don't play the map its a simple fix all you need is the mod and a coop shows up for free in the game.
Mod: Briggs Farm
Does anyone know how to adjust the PDA so that in the prices column you can see new fruits without them going to the bottom like adding extra pages also for the statistics silo storage page but I can get it if I know how to do the prices page. My fruits are there they just show up at the bottom and off the screen of the pda.
Mod: Briggs Farm
yes there is withering I did not turn it off ...I mean come on in real life crops go bad so in my game they do too. Heres a tip don't leave your game run all night with crops planted lol.
Mod: Briggs Farm
The eggs are there please read the description it will explain what you need to download I don't know why they don't show up without the chicken coop mod. If you download the mod and put it in your mod folder your game will start with one you won't have to buy it its already included with the start up equipment.
Mod: Briggs Farm
its under categories maps and buildings then placeable objects I think on page 2 or 3. I don't know how to add links yet sorry still kinda new at this stuff.
Mod: Briggs Farm
If you don't like the small map then delete it no one has a gun to your head to play or download it. You don't have to be rude and leave rude comments.
Mod: Briggs Farm
For one if you can't search modhoster for the downloads when I gave them in a list by name then you shouldn't even be on this website.
And two the farm shop buys all the crops theres no need for a futterlager( aka feed store) when I inserted a shop that buys everything. Don't redownload it I don't care no sweat off my back. read the comments others like the map I just need to know how to fix the building textures its only my second map so I am a noob at it. Don't like it then use the red X button and leave.
Mod: Briggs Farm
How do I add the textures they show up on my map so I am not sure how to add them. If you could tell me it would be helpful.
Mod: Beaverville
I am sorry guys I don't know what to do with it I am new to it all this is my first time uploading anything. I really am not sure what to do I moved mine from my mods folder to the desktop then downloaded the one from here and put it in my mods folder and it worked for me. I am waiting on my neighbor to download it and try it on his game and see if it works. If someone knows how to help me out on what to do please let me know.
Mod: Biodisel map Victory
Hello could you please help me? I have downloaded the mapfruittrigger and changefruittrigger and I still can't get flour or beer for my barley and wheat. I go to the panel at the brewery and theres no option for beer. I also downloaded the same truck how do I get the flour and beer?