Userprofile of GG1914 xD
Member since 9 / 2015

GG1914 xD
Punkte: 71
Modder Level 3
Rank: n/a
First name: Gonçalo Age & Gender: 29 m City: Lisboa Hobbies: Reparing cars and gaming Homepage no entry

About GG1914 xD

A young man who found farm sim a real nice hobby
  1. GG1914 xD 30. 09 2015

    Mod: New Holland Bundle
    Yes, I remember reading those comments, and I must say that for a fix, you've done the right thing.
    I've already done that, you've posted that...I tried it, tempered with some more parameters in thoose lines, but it would decrease the shaking, but never to much, just to half or so...
    If you wouldn't mind I would like to ask if you know some tutorial or so in how to reverte it to the original in game suspension, because thoose tractor mostly to frontloader wok, and shaking tears up my bale stacks xD
    Once again, very helpfull for your help spartan :)

  2. GG1914 xD 30. 09 2015

    Mod: New Holland Bundle
    Hello Spartan, this mod pack it is the best new holland tractor pack I've seen for fs15, especially with the small tractors!
    I've been using in my save games for countless hours, but after that time I've been noticing that with the real terrain mod that you recommend (and even without it) the fact that all the T4's and T5's have the locked front axel, makes this tractors all most impossible to use on the fields if they have bumps, or are ploughed.
    So if could take a bit of your time into this bit, I would be greatfull, if not still thank you for this awesome mod, and keep on modding!

    1 replies

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