Userprofile of FSmodding
Member since 10 / 2012

Punkte: 12.780
Modder Level 16
Rank: #75
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About FSmodding

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  1. FSmodding 01. 05 2016

    Mod: FSM Fliegl ASW
    a typing error we all make them :P

  2. FSmodding 29. 04 2016

    Mod: FSM Fliegl ASW
    For the Hoses to Attach, your Tractor Must Have Hose References on the Trailer LOW Joint..

    Google Translate: Für die Schläuche zu befestigen, muss der Traktor-Schlauch Referenzen auf dem Trailer LOW Joint ..

    2 replies

  3. FSmodding 29. 04 2016

    Mod: FSM Fliegl ASW
    Correct the Case Has no Hose Refs on the Trailer Low Joint, i have worked with another modder and there Massey Ferguson wll be available soon, with all hoses setup perfect for his trailer

  4. FSmodding 11. 01 2016

    Mod: FSM Bale and Log Trailer
    Hoses only work if your using a truck with the HoseRefernce spec. try with the truck i uploaded.

    1 replies

  5. FSmodding 11. 01 2016

    Mod: FSM Bale and Log Trailer
    yes im English and use google Translate, Sorry

    2 replies

  6. FSmodding 11. 01 2016

    Mod: FSM Bale and Log Trailer
    it should work as it also has the DynamicMountAttacher, and the mod fixes that part.

    1 replies

  7. FSmodding 11. 01 2016

    Mod: FSM Man 22s
    Trailer has been uploaded just awaiting Approval

  8. FSmodding 08. 01 2016

    Mod: Lochmithie Farm
    New Mirrors Added! you can download again

  9. FSmodding 08. 01 2016

    Mod: Lochmithie Farm
    we are fixing the issue with more mirrors
    ill update them soon

  10. FSmodding 08. 01 2016

    Mod: Lochmithie Farm
    we are fixing the issue with more mirrors

  11. FSmodding 29. 12 2015

    Mod: Elho Twin flex 600 Front windrower
    V2 fixes the Animations. also new Rear Version

    1 replies

  12. FSmodding 24. 12 2015

    Mod: Elho Twin flex 600 Front windrower
    Rear Mount Coming soon. with new animations also. and some other additions

    1 replies

  13. FSmodding 24. 12 2015

    Mod: Elho Twin flex 600 Front windrower
    we found this issue and are reworking animations expect whole new animation and more features in V2

  14. FSmodding 17. 12 2015

    Mod: Dymax Grab
    maybe ill look into it

    1 replies

  15. FSmodding 12. 12 2015

    Mod: Stewart GX15
    Pictures are working fine for Me.. Maybe ask Modhoster.. not an issue with my mod..

  16. FSmodding 08. 12 2015

    Mod: Kuhn Optimer 6M Cultivator
    yes it does, when on my website hit download then agree and Download the file..

  17. FSmodding 08. 12 2015

    Mod: Kuhn Optimer 6M Cultivator
    Disk Harrow, Cultivator, what ever you like to Call i dont mind :P Enjoy the Mod

  18. FSmodding 30. 11 2015

    Mod: truck trailer
    probably if you making the larger 1.5M Bales, try using smaller dimension and post back, we will try build in support for all 1.3, 1.4, 15 Bales. ill look into this further.

  19. FSmodding 30. 11 2015

    Mod: truck trailer
    i adjusted the drop points, this should not happen, i could not actually create this problem, ( default map )

    1 replies

  20. FSmodding 30. 11 2015

    Mod: truck trailer
    New versions is available on the external Link Fixed Log errors and Lowered Bale Drop Points to prevent them falling.

  21. FSmodding 30. 11 2015

    Mod: truck trailer
    New versions is available on the external Link Fixed Log errors and Lowered Bale Drop Points to prevent them falling.

  22. FSmodding 30. 11 2015

    Mod: truck trailer
    you cannot auto load logs and dont think its even possible, logs are saved in the Splitshapes.gms file and i dont think there is any accessible for them.

  23. FSmodding 30. 11 2015

    Mod: truck trailer
    you cannot auto load logs and dont think its even possible, logs are saved in the Splitshapes.gms file and i dont think there is any accessible for them.

  24. FSmodding 30. 11 2015

    Mod: truck trailer
    hmm must have uploaded the wrong Zip ill get that fixed on my site

    1 replies

  25. FSmodding 21. 11 2015

    Mod: AW Trailer UBT Auto Loading
    and does this harm your game? can you do any better? ...

  26. FSmodding 31. 10 2015

    Mod: Ground Textures
    V1 Has been uploaded to our Site With New Rock Texture FIX!!

  27. FSmodding 28. 10 2015

    Mod: Joskin Transpace
    Link works Perfectly Fine!

  28. FSmodding 14. 06 2015

    Mod: ItRunner Service Module
    Warning: No clipdistance set to node 0> (ServiceModule.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300) is just a warning all the rest do not occur in my game log, you must have something else causing these

  29. FSmodding 14. 06 2015

    Mod: ItRunner Service Module
    well i made this on stream, this is a simple one that gets the job done, we are working on something alittle more complex and will be much better, but we needed this fast for our server

  30. FSmodding 14. 06 2015

    Mod: Bishop Norton
    field 16 trigger is in the bottom left corner and floating in the sky, we will get this fixed for the next update, as a temp fix you can fly up to it using the toggleflightandnohud with developer controls.. i will have some updates for the map soon.

  31. FSmodding 13. 06 2015

    Mod: Assorted Gates
    you install them in the map with GE

  32. FSmodding 10. 06 2015

    Mod: Fenton Repair BaleFork
    it is easy if you have the bales lined up properly, also only the bottom spikes have collisions and you can not drop the bales from 3ft like with many other forks due to the bottom collisions, which as you say is more realistic

    1 replies

  33. FSmodding 04. 05 2015

    Mod: SK Trailer
    People asked for it, so why not, this is just a game afterall

  34. FSmodding 10. 04 2015

    Mod: Strimech FMP500
    we will look into it, we just made it for the base maps, there is no grass storage, try using multifruit mod ?

    1 replies

  35. FSmodding 08. 04 2015

    Mod: Strimech FMP500
    Capacity is 8000 and is listed in the shop..

  36. FSmodding 20. 03 2015

    Mod: Potato and Beet Boxes
    Its should be the same as the main picture, the writing on the front.. then you can tip all into heap

  37. FSmodding 20. 03 2015

    Mod: Potato and Beet Boxes
    Sehen Sie, wo die Schlösser sind, sicherzustellen, dass diese in Richtung des Heaps zeigt, sind wir in der nächsten Version arbeiten, damit es funktioniert jede Seite.

  38. FSmodding 19. 03 2015

    Mod: Larrington Dolly
    we currently have no plans for a dual axle right now, maybe after we finished what we are working on..