Member since 7 / 2016
Userprofile of bulldog2008
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About bulldog2008
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National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago almost 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago almost 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago almost 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago almost 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
National park of the dutch biesbosh
ago about 8 years
This user hasn't created any projects yet.
Mod: National park of the dutch biesbosh
Bitte geben Sie eine raport mit Bugs,245.0.html
Mod: National park of the dutch biesbosh
when you drive in the cow stables Behind the milking machine
there can you unload the straw voor the cows
Mod: National park of the dutch biesbosh
dat is een game instelling denk dat je ,je settings wat lager moet zetten probeer dit even laat het anders nog even weten
Mod: National park of the dutch biesbosh
you can sell t tby the straw selling point
Mod: National park of the dutch biesbosh
KAPPIE the game works fine you have another problem sent me your game log and i will tel you
Mod: National park of the dutch biesbosh
Gert maak je niet druk ik heb hem al uitgelegt dat het door de translate komt op deze site nu is de 2.0.0 wel goed mensen hebben altijd wat te zeuren zelf zijn ze niet actief in het uploaden van bestanden of weten totaal niet waar ze over praten heb hem ook verteld dat support te vinden is op maar daar krijg ik geen response op dus zo belangrijk zal het niet wezen maar bedankt voor je reactie op deze succes met de map mocht je hem spelen Greats
Mod: Frisian march
i like your map but why mike things dat not works or why remake you the buldings like betonwerk i will make a version for you i wil try to move alll texturen errors sound errors and will give the map another waterplaine i had triedto contact you bud you are THE moder and did not response have a nice day
Main System
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Memory: 8092 MB
OS: Windows NT 6.2 64-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.4
Thread(s): 2
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick enabled
Force Feedback disabled
Name: Xbox 360 Controller
Number of Axes: 5
Number of Buttons: 14
Sound System
Driver: OpenAL
Version: 1.1
Device: Generic Software
Max. sources: 256
Render System
Driver: OpenGL
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GTX 950/PCIe/SSE2
Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 372.70
Shader Version: 4.50 NVIDIA
max_texture_layers: 16
OpenGL initialization successful
Hardware Profile
Level: Medium (forced)
View Distance Factor: 1.000000
Shadow Quality: 1.000000
Skip Mipmaps: 1
LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000
Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.000000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 1.000000
Farming Simulator 15 INT
Version: 1.4.2RC1
Available Languages: en de fr es it pl cz hu nl ru jp pt cs ct br tr ro kr
Language: nl
Game vehicle types loaded
Mod directory: C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
Load mod: FS15_newHollandLoaderPack
Load dlc: pdlc_goldPack
Load dlc: pdlc_holmerPack
Load dlc: pdlc_itRunnerPack
Load dlc: pdlc_jcbPack
Load dlc: pdlc_newHollandPack
Load mod: NF_Marsch_4fach
Warning: Only zip mods are supported in multiplayer. You need to zip the mod NF_Marsch_4fach to use it in multiplayer.
Register vehicle type: pdlc_goldPack.tatra
Register vehicle type: pdlc_goldPack.sowingMachine_animated_randomMove
Register vehicle type: pdlc_holmerPack.defoliater_cutter_animated
Register vehicle type: pdlc_holmerPack.combine_animated_articulatedAxis
Register vehicle type: pdlc_holmerPack.augerWagon_foldable
Register vehicle type: pdlc_holmerPack.tractor_crabSteering
Register vehicle type: pdlc_holmerPack.manureBarrelAsTank
Register vehicle type: pdlc_holmerPack.manureSpreaderVariantFix
Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftTrailer
Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainer
Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerTrailer
Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerDynamicMountAttacher
Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerManureBarrel
Register vehicle type: pdlc_itRunnerPack.hookLiftContainerManureSpreader
Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on
Register filltype: wood2 a part of Holzweiterverarbeitung Pack2
Register filltype: emptypallet a part of Holzweiterverarbeitung Pack2
Load Script: WaterBand = OK
Script SchweineZucht v3.2.7 by Marhu loaded! Support on
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
register fill type: Concrete
register fill type: Cement
register fill type: Sand
register fill type: Gravel
--- loading ManualBarrier mod V5.15.7 - 07.12.2014 (by Blacky_BPG)---
register fill type: wheatflour
register fill type: barleyflour
register fill type: cornflour
register fill type: bran
register fill type: wheatflour
register fill type: barleyflour
register fill type: cornflour
register fill type: backwaren
register fill type: bread
register fill type: Sugar
register fill type: Bier
register fill type: Bier2
register fill type: Wasser
register fill type: Hopfen
Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107a by Marhu loaded! Support on
loading AdditionalFruitTypes
AdditionalFruitTypes v0.5 by Jakob Tischler+upsidedown loaded
\__ Register fruitType: oat (oat) [key 16]
\____ Register windrowType: oat_windrow (oat_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: oat_windrow -> wheat
\__ Register fruitType: rye (rye) [key 17]
\____ Register windrowType: rye_windrow (rye_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: rye_windrow -> wheat
\__ Register fruitType: sunflower (sunflower) [key 18]
\__ Register fruitType: alfalfa (luzerne) [key 19]
\____ Register windrowType: luzerne_windrow (luzerne_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: luzerne_windrow -> grass
\__ Register fruitType: hops (hops) [key 20]
Error: fill type "wood2" already exists. "AdditionalFruitTypes" will skip its registration.
\__ Register fillType: scheitelholz (scheitelholz) [key 61]
\__ Register fillType: holzkohle (holzkohle) [key 62]
dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.21 ms)
dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.23 ms)
dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.16 ms)
data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (6.97 ms)
data/sky/rain.i3d (1.22 ms)
data/sky/hail.i3d (0.84 ms)
data/sky/dust.i3d (0.68 ms)
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Nordfriesische Marsch 4 fach: Register Fill type: pig, Brandstof, Diesel, Oil not nameI18N, Motoroil not nameI18N, beef not nameI18N, chicken2 not nameI18N, h_milch not nameI18N, beer2, soap not nameI18N, ham not nameI18N, stone not nameI18N,
C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/map/map01.i3d (11746.86 ms)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 7 invalid Animal Type chicken2
Error: Running LUA method 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'.
C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua:579: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 1 invalid Animal Type beef
Error: Running LUA method 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'.
C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua:579: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
ERROR: (SchweineZucht) 1 invalid Animal Type beef
Error: Running LUA method 'modOnCreate.SchweineZucht'.
C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua:579: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Script WoolPaletteCollector v2.2.1b by Marhu created id 639279! Support on
FabrikScript v1.7.1-528: ERROR: invalid fillType ham in Schinken
FabrikScript v1.7.1-528: ERROR: invalid fillType chicken2 in layingChicks
Error: index out of range
LUA call stack:
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(9) : printCallstack
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(58) : checkChildIndex
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/triggers/TipTrigger.lua(92) : indexToObject
D:/code/lsim2015/dlc/configs/../goldPackFinal/I18NFixes.lua(9) : oldTipTriggerLoad
=C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/map/scripts/FabrikScript.lua(149) : load
=C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/map/scripts/FabrikScript.lua(77) : finalizePlacement
=C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/map/scripts/FabrikScript.lua(33) : load
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(1878) : func
Index: 3
FabrikScript v1.7.1-528: ERROR: invalid fillType stone in Steine
FabrikScript v1.7.1-528: ERROR: invalid fillType stone in stone
FabrikScript v1.7.1-528: ERROR: invalid fillType stone in stone
FabrikScript v1.7.1-528: ERROR: invalid fillType stone in stone
FabrikScript v1.7.1-528: ERROR: invalid fillType stone in stone
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/textures/pdaBeep.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'C:/Users/numme/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NF_Marsch_4fach/textures/pdaBeep.wav'.
data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandTC590.i3d (342.30 ms)
dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (430.53 ms)
data/vehicles/cutters/newHolland/newHollandHeader18.i3d (116.31 ms)
data/vehicles/trailers/kroeger/kroegerHKD302.i3d (98.66 ms)
data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzAgroStar661.i3d (191.43 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (121.97 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (5.00 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB1000.i3d (3.40 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (127.48 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (2.51 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB700.i3d (1.87 ms)
data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/deutzFahr7250.i3d (237.22 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (588.42 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (6.11 ms)
dataS/character/player/playerCCT.i3d (5.61 ms)
Mod: Frisian march
read the instal file and take all you need from this mod pak install t in your mod folder and you can play this game
Mod: Frisian march
hallo instal this pakket and you can do all,
loading sand