Userprofile of bruteman
Member since 2 / 2013

Punkte: 7
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: William Age & Gender: 50 m City: Ottawa Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About bruteman

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  1. bruteman 14. 01 2016

    Mod: Sosnovka gold addon
    Nice Add on, played with it a few hours today I got sick of the clipping and bad gates so i just deleted them all until you repair and fix otherwise map addon is working good.

  2. bruteman 01. 01 2015

    Mod: Westbridge Hill Overhault
    This map is so close to being the map of choice to play Multiplayer.

    Its got XML errors (non text in Moddesc.xml) and some bad filenames.

    Also why gold coins when you didnt add the trigger to turn them in kinda waste of time to collect coins with no turnin. Map as is v1.1 1/5 could be 5/5 if its fixed.

  3. bruteman 03. 02 2013

    Mod: Big Tonys Hagenstedt
    just wondering if there's a English version of the signs for this map i picked up your current 4.2 but all the lettering (signs posters etc) are in German i think?

  4. bruteman 02. 02 2013

    Mod: Big Tonys Hagenstedt
    I was about to download and i see you just noted a new map coming :) I guess I'll wait for your new map :) Looking forward to a map in English not many i find are translated well here

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