Userprofile of BoogiMan
Member since 9 / 2013
Motorhead Ace of Spades
v 1.00 Downloads today382 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 02 Nov 2013 12:41:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin this is a desired skin theme: Motorhead DDL follows this gibts only on my side IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT...
Volvo Special 2012
v 1.00 Downloads today908 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sat, 02 Nov 2013 11:14:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin I have the volvo special skin have also been made for the 2012er but not in red (see pictures) I hope you like it a ddl still follows this then there on my side
U.S. Fire Dept. siren
v 1.00 Downloads today798 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 29 Oct 2013 12:00:00 GMT in - Soundmoin I found the siren mod quite well so I've got to matching sounds ausschau for my skins kept dabe did this mod ... it is only for the volvo We Also from me it already skins ;) for istallation...
MB Williams F1 Team
v 1.01 Downloads today671 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:57:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin nor a desire skin theme: williams f1 team, this time for the mercedes a DDL gibts on the alternative link IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can...
Williams F1 Team Susie Wulff edition
v 1.00 Downloads today695 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:08:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin so even a wish-skin theme: Williams F1 team I've tried everything but this skin is not compatible with other renault premium skins IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews...
Murpf AG Scania
v 1.00 Downloads today641 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sat, 26 Oct 2013 10:35:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin here is a desire skin theme: Murpf AG IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL link.
J Simmerer
v 1.0 MAN und Mercedes0 Downloads today215 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:44:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin So here's a wish-skin theme: J. Simmerer for 2 trucks 1 MAN 2 Mercedes IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites...
Winkler all trucks
v 1.00 Downloads today620 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Oct 2013 14:16:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin this was a skinpack user wish is for all truck but not for all models ps: can not hurt to thank a click on it ;) IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This...
Bring Scania Skin
v 1.01 Downloads today334 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sat, 19 Oct 2013 20:39:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin gewüncht as a skin for scania theme: Bring IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL link...
Boogimans Skinpack
v 1.00 Downloads today634 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:10:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin All skins have again revised (there were a few graphic bugs) and chamfered together in a skin pack who had problems so times (graphics) with my skins should pull this pack unbeding...
Raiffeisen Scania
v 1.00 Downloads today274 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sat, 19 Oct 2013 15:57:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin as requested here is the scania ubs skin IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL link.
Raiffeisen MAN
v 1.00 Downloads today351 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Sat, 19 Oct 2013 00:18:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin as gewüncht Raiffeisen MAN IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL link.
Gertzen MAN
v 1.00 Downloads today451 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:21:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin as gewüncht for the MAN Gertzen the skin IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL link.
Volvo Special
v 1.00 Downloads today428 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:55:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin this skin is for the volvo fh16 Thread: Volvo IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL...
Gertzen transport
v 1.00 Downloads today372 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:11:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin this is a skin for volvo fh16 theme: Gertzen transport IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals...
EMS Vechte Raiffeisen
v 1.00 Downloads today256 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Fri, 18 Oct 2013 14:06:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin this is a skin for the MAN theme: Raiffeisen feed IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL link...
Lord of the Rings
v 1.00 Downloads today330 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Mon, 14 Oct 2013 18:23:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin this is a LOTR skin for the MAN simply zip in the mods folder copy ready IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded to other sites only...
v 1.00 Downloads today337 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sun, 13 Oct 2013 20:26:00 GMT in - Skinsmoin have designed a new skin for the volvo fh 16 simply zip in the mods folder copy ready IMPORTANT: Please give comments and also reviews from IMPORTANT: This skin can be uploaded...
World of Warcraft
v 1.00 Downloads today389 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Sat, 12 Oct 2013 10:32:00 GMT in - Skinshi I want to show that I can not just mäkern (which was also attached to the skin of WoW mstransporte) I am just quickly sat down again and got myself a tinkered I hope you like it I ask for...
v 1.00 Downloads today249 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Oct 2013 13:46:00 GMT in - Skinshi this is a skin for scania scorpion theme in red Please do not save to have comments and ratings ... thanks This skin can be uploaded to other sites only with the originals DL link.
Stars and Stripes
ago over 11 years
Star Trek in to Darkness
ago over 11 years
Star Trek in to Darkness
ago over 11 years
Biohazard Skin
ago over 11 years
Biohazard Skin
ago over 11 years
us army snow skin
ago over 11 years
Mod: Volvo Special 2012
die auflösung bei diesem model ist eh kleiner der neue volvo hat 1024x1024 wärend der alte 2024x2024 hatte
Mod: Volvo Special 2012
nach deinen bildern ist es aber nicht so schlimm
hätte schlimmer sein können ;)
Mod: Volvo Special 2012
kann ich leider nicht sagen da ich den mod nich kenn
aber was kann schon passieren probiers halt aus
Mod: Fire siren siren
ich denke mal das dieser mod nur für den renault premium ist
Mod: Williams F1 Team Susie Wulff edition
der mercedes ist fertig und kommt bald online
Mod: Murpf AG Scania
der alternative link fürt einen derzeit zu meine seite
der ist nicht direkt auf den dl bezogen
und ich bin auch noch nicht fdazu gekommen in da zu uppen
mal ne frage ...was ist daran so besonders ?
Mod: Boogimans Skinpack
den neusten
ich hab zb den neusten patch und alle skins laufen
Mod: Volvo Special
reine übungssache
man muss halt genau drauf achten das man die übergänge richtig ausrichtet sonst passts hinten und vorne nich
Mod: EMS Vechte Raiffeisen
find es klasse das mal einer was schreibt :)
ist verdammt schwer euern geschmack zu treffen
Mod: Dragon
konnte aber den link zum DL nicht finden
Mod: Volvo FH 16 WOW cases
ich schreib dir eine PN
Mod: World of Warcraft
die zip muss nicht entpackt werden einfach so in den mods ordner kopieren
oder zip in scs umbenennen ist praktisch das selbe
Mod: World of Warcraft
sollte auch nicht böse gemeint sein sondern ehr als als kritikpunkt damit du weist wo deine fehler sind
nur so kann man besser werden
wenn dir nie einer sagt das es schlecht ist woher soll man dann wissen was man besser machen kann
sorry aber so schlecht gemachte skins hab ich noch nie gesehen
das thema ist ok aber da könnte man doch wiel mehr raus holen
und dann die komplett mies gestaltete haupt textur
diese worte sind nur als kritik zu verstehen und nicht als beleidigung
Mod: Blue Scorpion
mal ne frage...was gefällt euch an diesem skin nicht ?
Mod: BvB skin MAN
was genau geht denn nicht ?
sollte es an der endung zip liegen
versuch doch mal aus zip ... scs zu machen (umbenennen)
Mod: Biohazard Skin
danke sehr freud mich zu hören :)
Mod: Biohazard Skin
normaler weise geht das so mit der zip
zumindest mit der neusten game version
sollte das bei dir trotzdem nicht gehen
änder einfach die endung der datei
also zip in scs dann sollte es gehen
Mod: BvB
mal sehen wenn ich die zeit finde gern