Userprofile of Aeromobile
Member since 8 / 2013
Member since 8 / 2013
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About Aeromobile
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Opel Senator B
ago over 4 years
MZ ETZ 250
ago over 4 years
MZ ETZ 250
ago over 4 years
MZ ETZ 250
ago over 4 years
MZ ETZ 250
ago over 4 years
Hitachi 870LC Excavator
ago over 4 years
Hitachi 870LC Excavator
ago over 4 years
Hitachi 870LC Excavator
ago over 4 years
Hitachi 870LC Excavator
ago over 4 years
Garage Pack
ago over 6 years
Garage Pack
ago over 6 years
Garage Pack
ago over 6 years
DT-75M "Kazakhstan"
ago over 7 years
DT-75M "Kazakhstan"
ago over 7 years
DT-75M "Kazakhstan"
ago over 7 years
DT-75M "Kazakhstan"
ago over 7 years
MTT-9 / PRT-7A
ago over 7 years
MTT-9 / PRT-7A
ago over 7 years
MTT-9 / PRT-7A
ago over 7 years
MTT-9 / PRT-7A
ago over 7 years
ago over 7 years
ago over 7 years
ago over 7 years
ago over 7 years
Niva SK-5
ago over 7 years
Niva SK-5
ago over 7 years
Niva SK-5
ago over 7 years
Niva SK-5
ago over 7 years
ago over 7 years
ago over 7 years
ago almost 8 years -
ago about 9 years
This user hasn't created any projects yet.
Mod: Ural-M
This mod is the second day in the public domain. What kind of theft are you talking about ?!
Mod: KamAZ-43118
Hallo! Die Karte, auf der Kamaz getestet wurde - Baldeykino 3
Mod: KDN 210
Tikey, and most to make the description and screenshots hard ?!
Mod: SPF 6
Tikey, and most to make the description and screenshots hard ?!
Mod: John Deere 6330 Comfort
Super tractor - a complete error log !!!
Mod: Fiatagri 1300 DT super
fantastic tractor??? Fantastic archive size and a fantastic amount of errors in the log!
Mod: K 744
Poor envelope with a bunch of errors in the log...
Mod: Fortschritt B231
Animationen keine Partikel. Das Protokoll ist voll von Warnungen ...
Mod: PTS 12
The log is full of errors and warnings...
Mod: MTZ 82
Vollständige Log-Fehler und Warnungen!!!
Mod: UMZ 6KL 4 × 4
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/attach.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/attach.wav'.
Error: failed to load i3d file 'data/vehicles/steerable/powerTakeoff.i3d'
Error: index out of range............................................
Mod: GAZ 685
Das KAvZ–685 Sowjet Bus kleinen Klasse Haubenanordnung in Fracht GAZ-53A
Mod: 2PTS 9
Error: Failed to open xml file ''.
C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_PTS_9/2pts9.i3d (187.11 ms)
Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//FS15_PTS_9/Texstures/ width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning (physics): Static actor moved (polySurface3)
Warning: vehicle.trailerAttacherJoints.trailerAttacherJoint are no longer supported. Use vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint with jointType='trailer/trailerLow' instead
Mod: MTS 82 Turbo
Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/ width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/ width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/instruktr/Instruktor/tex/'.
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/instruktr/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/mtz82.i3d (1526.82 ms)
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/For-Matasysta/ raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/For-Matasysta/Backwheels.jpg raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/instruktr/Textures/polySurface12CompleteMap.png raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/Turbina_DomiC/text_Final_04.png raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/For-Matasysta/ raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/instruktr/Textures/text_Final_06.png raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/instruktr/stollFrontLoaderFZ_specular.png raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/instruktr/ raw format.
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/instruktr/Textures/text_Final_04.png raw format.
Warning: No clipdistance set to node 1> (mtz82.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/attach.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/attach.wav'.
Error: failed to load i3d file 'data/vehicles/steerable/powerTakeoff.i3d'
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/schemas/vehicleSchema.png'.
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/schemas/vehicleSchemaSelected.png'.
Warning: 3D stereo sound files are not supported. Convert 'C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/sound/horn.wav' to mono.
Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/ width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//mtz82_fs15v2/ width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
Mod: Ural 5557
Fehler Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Fillable.lua(854) : attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value leicht korrigiert. Öffnen modDes?.xml im Einklang <vehicleTypes> fügen Sie die und fehlende Zeichen $ im einklang <type name="Ural" className="Vehicle" filename="$dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua">
Mod: As Gaz 53
Log: C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GAZ_53_AS_2UM/GAZ53AS2UM.i3d (485.13 ms)
Warning: No clipdistance set to node 0> (GAZ53AS2UM.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/attach.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/attach.wav'.
Warning: 3D stereo sound files are not supported. Convert 'C:/Users/Desant/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//GAZ_53_AS_2UM/Sounds/motor.wav' to mono.
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/compressedAir.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/compressedAir.wav'.
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/compressorWork.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/steerable/deutz/compressorWork.wav'.
Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/exhaustParticleSystem.i3d
Mod: Challenger MT 685D
All log in error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(134) : attempt to index local 'actionData' (a nil value)
Mod: Toyota 62 8FD18
erweitern den Füßen des Fahrers und er wollte nicht in die Pedale zu erreichen
Mod: T150
Dies ist nicht eine Beta-Version von einem gefrorenen alpha. Kein Spiegel, Propeller nicht dreht, Armaturenbrett tot ...
Mod: Kujawska
Prompt, wo man Setzlinge kaufen?
Mod: Crosetto CMR200
nicht waschbar (((
Mod: Kamaz 5410
Vorwärts mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 8 km / h, die Rück 300km / h ??? )))
Mod: Automoteur Baler
Mit diesem Mod stürzt das Spiel:
Error: LUA running function 'draw'
D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(87) : attempt to index local 'actionData' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(47) : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Mod: Scania R620 Shogun
Traktor für Süchtige...
Mod: NC Engineering 41ft bale trailer
Hallo! Wichtig wie du geschrieben hast, ist ständig kaufen und Anhänger nicht veröffentlicht werden können ...
Mod: HKL mount
Es erfordert eine abschließbare frontachse!
Mod: John Deere 6810
Hilfe! Sobald ich Traktor kaufen Sie dieses Spiel hängt! Andere Mods nicht!
Mod: Amazone ZA OC 900
Räder nicht drehen, Animationen bannen. Bad ... sehr schlecht!
Mod: Zeppelin tank system
Danke, verstanden. Große mod. Katsuo Respekt!
Mod: Zeppelin tank system
Bitte sagen Sie mir, wie man diesen Tank zu füllen? Es ist unmöglich, an der Tankstelle oder einem Benzintankwagen tanken
Mod: Fortschritt E 516
Reinigt die folgenden Kulturen: Weizen Raps Mais Gerste Hafer Roggen Sonnenblumen
Mod: Claas Tucano 340
And why so many weigh? With such weight it should be animated! I do not see anything interesting!!!
Mod: Hagenstedt Modified 2013
Hallo, bitte helfen, ich kann nicht in den Laden Menü!!!