Maps - Maps
Mods for Eurotruck Simulator
TR Extended Map v1.0 [1.39.x]
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over 1 year
Romania Extended Map v1.0 by Arayas (1.30.x)
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about 1 year
Map Total Brazil v6.1 [1.30.x]
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about 7 years
Company Addon v1.0 by Schumi 1.34.x
Downloads today
10 months
TruckSim Map
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over 11 years
RMP: Heilbronn 1: 1
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almost 5 years
Road Map beta 4
v 2.00 Downloads today818 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Thu, 06 Feb 2014 17:00:34 GMT in - MapsAdded to this version: new sound engine for Scania New Peterbilt trucks, Skins Pack for Peterbilt, Skins (coloring) for Scania, Spare parts and accessories; Edited the original schedule: - If more...
v 1.00 Downloads today536 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:51:26 GMT in - MapsINFO This mod adds maneuvering on the map. For detailed instructions, how to get it included in the readme file with the package. For packets are included as tasks you can perform. Mod tested on...
Truckers Map for Game
v 1.00 Downloads today6,351 Downloads total54 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:15:00 GMT in - MapsThis map will be the perfect thing for all the extreme-fanatics, Because it Has Numerous narrow mountain roads, many off-road river passes, huge road bumps and slippery winter roads as well. More over...
Challenge Roads Realiase
v 1.0.10 Downloads today1,049 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 17 Jan 2014 17:38:55 GMT in - MapsThis is the first update of this mod and Trameri , Euro Goodies and ET - Tree Wood companies were issued in the city of Innsbruck. The company Tree of ET - Wood wood scattered across the courtyard...
Ro Map AddOn
v 1.90 Downloads today1,321 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 20 Dec 2013 20:21:18 GMT in - MapsRo Map Add-on Ets2 by TraianThe first Romanian city made of 0.In add-on you will find a city Oradea and road to Debrecen.So you can play this add-on, you need DLC Going East! and ETS2 version 1.7.1...
Hungary MAP
v 0.9 (fixed)0 Downloads today8,182 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Sun, 15 Dec 2013 21:14:58 GMT in - MapsHungary map v0.9 is released! It's compatible with the patch!The map contains only 35 cities so far, but I plan to add over 300 cities.READ THE DESCRIPTION before starting the game! Very important...
Ro Map AddOn
v 1.00 Downloads today1,209 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 06 Dec 2013 16:18:00 GMT in - Maps
Winter Mod
v 1.50 Downloads today8,086 Downloads total16 commentsUser rating7 said thankspublished Mon, 18 Nov 2013 20:06:00 GMT in - MapsCredits: Red Expert petr.voltr Version: 1.7.0-1.7.1 For all cards Mod content: Winter Light Mod VE.scs RED Expert 2013.scs
Russia Orient Express dlc
v 3.20 Downloads today2,981 Downloads total15 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Sun, 17 Nov 2013 09:41:00 GMT in - MapsSpiel Typ: Lizenz + DLC. Autoren: Valera_t, SCS (Europa + DLC) Autoren Modelle: Valera_t, Stalker45, Gluk, SCS Autoren prefabs : Valera_t, FLD, SCS Autoren Verkehr: Valera_t, Jazzycat, SCS...
Truckers Map
v 1.0 by goba63720 Downloads today5,749 Downloads total32 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 01 Nov 2013 18:22:00 GMT in - MapsBased scs Malish_i_karlson sounds ready Cover some objects and modelil koral Fictional, extreme, rugged Goba map for ETS 2 Description: New map of Russian author goba3672 for Euro...
featured TruckSim Map
v 4.1.2.a0 Downloads today26,011 Downloads total93 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:09:00 GMT in - MapsAb Patch 1.6.x Credits: (und unser Dankeschön an) SCS Software für die GrundMap mit allem Drum und Dran. 50keda für die neuen Firmen Sellplan und Kaarfor. FLD/TZ für die neuen Prefabs und Modelle...
TruckSim Map
v 4.1.10 Downloads today8,753 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Oct 2013 12:46:00 GMT in - Mapsfor DCL and Patch1.5.2 Credits: (und unser Dankeschön an) SCS Software für die GrundMap mit allem Drum und Dran. 50keda für die neuen Firmen Sellplan und Kaarfor. FLD/TZ für die neuen Prefabs und...
Holland mod
v 2.80 Downloads today1,507 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating2 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Oct 2013 02:29:00 GMT in - MapsETS2 Netherlands Some mod -related information map : This page shows you the new card and as you can see , the A15 has been added! I've tried some of the typical Dutch landscape in which...
New cat eyes
v 1.50 Downloads today706 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 26 Sep 2013 19:36:00 GMT in - MapsUPDATED for 1.5.2 Credits: race bandit test on standart map
TruckSim Map
v 4.1.03 Downloads today6,417 Downloads total43 commentsUser rating14 said thankspublished Sun, 22 Sep 2013 23:20:00 GMT in - MapsThis map is playable version from version 1.5.2 !Anyone who has been playing the last patch (Version 1.5.2 ) , should have no problems with the game .Old map out , and the four new parts inside. The...
By Manu Be98 Map
v 0.89 Open Beta0 Downloads today1,254 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:01:00 GMT in - MapsHello,thank you that you used my map!This is the version V0,89!The map is always better!Here are a few facts about the map:V0,89 (This version) A8/96 easily rebuilt.Added E43/A7.My L30/312 added Depot...
Road calming obstacles
v 1.30 Downloads today1,987 Downloads total4 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:42:00 GMT in - MapsPatch: 1.4.X Road calming obstacles for original map There are different shapes and sizes Credits: Misael
Russia MAP
v 2.1 Projekt Orient Express0 Downloads today4,143 Downloads total5 commentsUser rating4 said thankspublished Mon, 26 Aug 2013 18:54:00 GMT in - MapsAutor: Valery Tyatkov Nik Name: valera_t Projekt: Der Orient Express Karte: ETS2 Version . 1.4.8 1.4.12´´ Lizenz Kompatibilität mit früheren Versionen des Spiels wurd nicht geprüft, und nicht...
Mapfix for TSM Map
v 4.0.10 Downloads today3,541 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Fri, 23 Aug 2013 14:14:00 GMT in - MapsCredits: SCS Software für die GrundMap mit allem Drum und Dran. 50keda für die neuen Firmen Sellplan und Kaarfor. FLD/TZ für die neuen Prefabs und Modelle kamaz für Schilder Reislord für Schilder K...
featured TruckSim Map
v 4.0 by trucksim map com0 Downloads today17,551 Downloads total84 commentsUser rating47 said thankspublished Wed, 21 Aug 2013 18:37:00 GMT in - MapsHere is the new TSM Map Version 4.x. With that version we fixed the bugs which were mentioned us. New added are the following cities: -> Toulouse and Bordeaux in France -> Bochum, Essen, Gelsenkirchen...