Playing Time - Playing Time
Mods for Tabletop Playground
15 minutes
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over 4 years
Thor - Hero Pack (MC06en)
30 minutes
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over 4 years
Cards Against Humanity (with Expansions)
30 minutes
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about 5 years
Exploding Kittens
15 minutes
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about 5 years
Overdress - Start Deck - Holy Dragon
30 minutes
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about 3 years
Escape the Dark Castle
30 minutes
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almost 5 years
Диктатор Контроль RUS
v 1.00 Downloads today164 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 04 Mar 2020 20:59:46 GMT in - 60 minutes Мод имеет две раскладки. Одна содержит оригинальное поле на 4 человек и вторая кастомное поле на 6...
Империя RUS
v 1.00 Downloads today192 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 04 Mar 2020 20:50:03 GMT in - 120 minutes+ Несложный варгейм от 2 до 4 человек с приличной долей рандома. Оригинальные фишки флагов, монет и столиц заменены модельками.
v 1.00 Downloads today167 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Wed, 04 Mar 2020 20:27:26 GMT in - 60 minutes Все имеющиеся карточки представлены в 1 экземпляре. Для создания колод скопируйте себе необходимое количество.
Love Letter
v 1.10 Downloads today343 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 03 Mar 2020 16:51:32 GMT in - 15 minutesThe premium edition of Love Letter Each player starts with one card, and draws a card and then plays/discards a card on their turn. The player with the highest card at the end of the round wins a point...
Girls with Icky Things Testing Demo
v 00.00.070 Downloads today242 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 29 Feb 2020 05:47:31 GMT in - 30 minutesGirls with Icky Things is a Tactical Fighting Card Game. Girls and their beloved Creatures battle each other for supremacy and survival! Offense and Defense meld into a cerebral and deadly dance of...
Cards Against Humanity (with Expansions)
v 1.00 Downloads today1,037 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 22 Feb 2020 13:08:30 GMT in - 30 minutesCards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Each round, one player asks a question from a black card, and everyone else answers with their funniest white card. Several official and fan...
Fallout Monopoly
v 1.00 Downloads today905 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 20 Feb 2020 08:53:51 GMT in - 60 minutesGreetings Vault Dwellers! Play MONOPOLY: Fallout Collector's Edition and rebuild civilization as you buy, sell, and trade your way through the Fallout Wasteland. Featuring iconic property locations...
Dune: Struggle for Arrakis
v 1.00 Downloads today279 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 17 Feb 2020 10:40:27 GMT in - 120 minutes+
Full Metall Planette RUS
v 1.00 Downloads today191 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 16 Feb 2020 22:39:55 GMT in - 120 minutes+ Правила можно найти тут
Zombies!!! The Card Game
v 1.210 Downloads today237 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 14 Feb 2020 23:45:36 GMT in - 30 minutesThe zombies are right behind you. Do you have what it takes to survive? You are so tired. You just can't run anymore. Your breath sounds like a jet engine and sweat has soaked every inch of your body...
Jan-ken-pon Card Game
v 1.00 Downloads today194 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 14 Feb 2020 19:28:26 GMT in - 15 minutesATTENTION: This is just a recommended Gameplay. You can also do whatever your creative mind thinks useful to make this game better for you. The deck contains 69 normal cards + 1 Special Card Each Player...
Here's the Deal
v 1.00 Downloads today223 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 17 Jan 2020 02:13:27 GMT in - 30 minutesThe ideas are simple Buy out the other players. You are a mega-corporation via for your slice of the market. You and your competition must wheel and deal your way to market domination. How you go about...
???? Exploding Kittens ????
v 1.00 Downloads today758 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating1 said thankspublished Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:03:02 GMT in - 15 minutesExploding Kittens is a kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an exploding kitten and loses the game. The deck is made up of cards that let you...
v 1.00 Downloads today233 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sat, 11 Jan 2020 22:25:46 GMT in - 60 minutesManoeuvre is a fast-playing game of battlefield command, set in the early 19th century. Multiple geomorphic game maps provide the chessboard-sized battlefields over which eight different armies of the...
v 1.10 Downloads today1,015 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Fri, 03 Jan 2020 23:27:20 GMT in - 15 minutesThe game's rules are very simple and easy to learn, they can be found on the game's official instruction sheet. The mod features 2 card decks: a full deck of 108 cards for the authentic experience and...
Exploding Kittens
v 1.00 Downloads today391 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Thu, 19 Dec 2019 03:52:05 GMT in - 15 minutes
Stay Away! / Нечто из глубин [RUS]
v 1.00 Downloads today211 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 15:08:58 GMT in - 30 minutesГруппа археологов таинственно исчезла во время экспедиции на остров Р’...
Alias [RUS]
v 1.00 Downloads today195 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 11:27:04 GMT in - 60 minutesAlias - это игра в слова, в которую вы играете в командах. Правила Автор игры: Mikko Koivusalo
Alias [ENG]
v 1.00 Downloads today215 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 11:24:00 GMT in - 60 minutesAlias is a word game that you play in teams.You have 70 cards each with 8 words, and you have to explain the words to your teammate by using synonyms, opposites or other clues. You have to guess as...
Coup / Переворот [RUS]
v 1.00 Downloads today201 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2019 11:01:05 GMT in - 15 minutesИгра для 3-6 игроковВы живете в пронизанном коррупцией городе. Цель –...