Note: This map is not designed for normal career play mode. It is intended for mod testing and development purposes.
- Additional vehicles for the large cotton field: John Deere CP690 and Case IH Module Express 635.
- Expanded cotton field size to 2.60ha (from 1.92ha) to produce at least 20,000L.
- Enhanced wheat fields (fields 25, 26, 27) with added fertilizer and lime levels for testing.
- Unowned fields 53 and 54 set to grass for mission markers.
- Added 4 new unowned large fields (fields 59-62).
- Deadwood missions disabled until further fixes.
Why this map?
This map is designed for modders who need a fast-loading, lightweight environment to test mods effectively. It includes console command alternatives but eliminates the need for frequent game restarts.
What does it offer?
- Vehicle shop, animal dealer triggers, farm house, workshop, farmer's market, and sawmill.
- Six golden apples, each granting 2M for financial testing.
- Fields for all crops ready to harvest.
- Wheat fields at distinct growth, lime, and fertilizer stages.
- Grapes and olives at various growth stages.
- Trees at different growth stages and a few rocks.
- Empty fields for testing implements.
- 16 unowned fields available for missions.
- Pre-equipped vehicles ready for use.
Your feedback and suggestions are welcome. Please rate and comment after testing!
GIANTS Software
09 Jan 10:09Version
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