Rename tricks like varial double kickflip to nightmare flip!
You can customize tricks by editing tricks.json, which is located in the mod folder, by default C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skater XL\Mods\XLNames but it depends on where you installed your game.
Open the file and you will see a list of renamed tricks by default (one renamed trick each line). Tricks must always be formated like this:
"old trick name":"new trick name",
make sure you file always starts with a { and always ends with a }
Tricks will be prioritized from top to bottom of the file, and trick names bust me like the trick name shown in the trick output ingame (shown in the left top).
Tricks are updated by frame, so output might seem a little glitchy sometimes, I'm working on a fix for this.
For any questions or help, you can contact me on Discord: TrizlyBear#7066
24 Dec 23:23Version 0.1.0
Customizable trick nicknames
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