WOTSPEAK - is the most favorite assembly for players who like to use forbidden mods. Modpack includes legitimate and the best cheat modification.
Changes in Ver.9:
- Updated XVM
- Added all damage panel
- Updated mod did allowed bugs with replays and platoons
- Updated the "X-ray" mod
- Updated mod "repair + Treatment"
- Updated mod "recharge timer ZJ»
- Added new sound mod
- Replace mod "Repair caterpillar space" on "repair + Treatment"
The feature of this assembly is in most useful and Necessary illegal and legal mods for battle. Plus, convenient and accessible installer thatwill give a preview demonstrations. You will find prohibited modifications as:
- Mod Tundra able to remove all vegetation from the map.
- Mod capable of displaying rechargeyour opponent. Now you willhave precious seconds without a response battlefield.
- Auto Repair with detailed configuration
- If you do not see your opponent with mod will inform you about the fallen tree and changes to the architecture.
- Colored tracers
- Bright laser beam coming out of enemy trunks, beam whichwill indicate the direction of the enemy's shot.
- Shadow on the location of enemy detection, if it is left in the glare of
- And that's not all ... ..
The Disadvantage of modpack is its illegality, For Which you can be punished by WG by block account.
09 Apr 14:06Version
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