World of Oldtimers
The newspaper of the Farming Simulator.
Here we can present you the first newspaper that is written specifically for vintage. We'll keep you up to date with the latest, more "oldest" old-timers who are there to have. There is news, reviews and information on appropriate maps and also reported. We look forward to you today the first Present edition. Although this is a bit thin, but will change over the next few weeks and become a successful newspaper. Have fun reading.
Your editorial WoO
PS: We could look forward to kunstruktive criticism, such as what we have to add anything, layouts, other formats, ect, just anything that has to do with the oldtimers.
Should you find classic cars, which do not exist here, and send a PM and we reports, testing and evaluating it on desire. You have a map that you want to have also tested and rated, then we will send your request along with links to the mod of a PN.
We feuen it.
WoO your editorial.
14 Aug 00:47Version
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