Hello Everyone, I have been working on this project for a while now, its something very highly requested in the community. The classic Windchaser map completley re-done, from the entire town to all of the main farms on the map, complete with all new buildings.
****Please Note I did not make this map, This map was originally created in FS15 by lindbejb (Lindbejb Modding), and converted to FS19 by antler22, I take no credit for the original map and the 3d models used on the map, please give all credit to the modders listed above as I am only responsable for the edit, This edit is not intended to put to shame the conversion by antler22 and it is very well done this edit is what I thaught would be nice and is in no way shape or form aimed t shaming the original converter. Thankyou for understanding aswell as downloading and have yourself an amazing day!****
Release 1.1 Changelog
-Brand new farms and town aswell as updated groudn textures to match the original release
-All of the buildings have seasons masks aswell as main roads and buildings in the town
-All new sell points, Removal of old sell points and added all new grain elevators with custom signs
-Updated vehicle shop
-Working doors on all the buildings so they are useable
-Flashing lights in shed have been removed
-parked cars can be seen in the town and around the map too add life
-Removed large empty spaces and added tall grass field for more mowable land
-finished various parts of the terrain and the town
Unfixed-Graphics settings on high to run
Release V 0.8-1.0 Changelog
lindbejb (Lindbejb Modding)
02 May 18:34Version 1.1
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