If we roll, rocking the region

V 1.0 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Hello there, I have the trailer the trailer: "If we roll rocking the region - every 10th job depends me the logistics together" get made. The trailer gives it real well, namely by the company Seifert Logisitics in Ulm. I also yesterday Freitig the 09.17.2015 10:02 clock the release of Seifert Logistics get ..   Idea: Felix Irmler Procedure: Joachim K Release: Julian Mack (Seifert Logistics)      


Joachim K,

  • 01 Oct 16:40
    Version 1.0


01.10 2015
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V 1.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
jbk_rock roll.rar
1.25 MB 314
01. 10 2015 314

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