WARNING: GIANTS Editor 5.0.3 is required , as is the game version 2.0!
So by popular demand there is now the scales from my card as a single download so that everyone who wants it can fit in his card.
And no, I 'm definitely not Placeable version of it !
Of this scale as many can be installed on a map , each scale has its own statistics function where each scale has its own name .
In the archive a file named " modDesc - Einträge.txt " is included in the required entries are included for your card modDesc.xml . There are also adjustments can be made with regard to the name , for example , the name can also of course be extended , depending on how many scales have installed it on the map.
Function of the balance in the game
The scale does NOT like the above ground weighbridge for LS2011 from Eifok team. This served as an incentive to bring only yourself a scale function in LS13 for me.
Because based on my card as well as everything on one-way function of the scale is accordingly . Driving is on the scale , the entire vehicle including freight is weighed , the vehicle weight is removed and the pure fruit weight remains and is displayed both as entered in the statistics.
You can query its own statistics when you are in a vehicle by pressing the * key numpad ( default configuration) , there is every scale on which one has weighed something displayed .
An overview of all scales and can be done via the user ö (standard occupancy) key with the same key toggles through all scales and by users and includes the display again when the end user of the list is reached .
In addition, the 3.2.5 version can display multiple users reasonable in all countries, and they are scrolled . Include the Global Statistics BEFORE reaching the final user is possible with the key combination Shift + Left key ö .
The scale has a weighing plate (sink) which can be lowered to the set ( in GE) level at full load ( 80 tons ) , depending on how much they can lower the departure of the balance are difficult because hierdruch quite a high edge when it may the transition to the scale of the sink station . Therefore, this value ( Description in ZIP archive) Choose not too high!
fruit weight
Each fruit has a specific weight which also each different effect on the fruit -laden trailers. The factor that affects how much weight can be placed in the editable script. This, please read the important information contained in it !
That the 24-meter scale model was made by Marc85 , the script function from myself
A few notes at the end:
As long as the original download link is used , this scale can be linked anywhere . You must not ask me whether you can in the scale is installed publish the map , I would not have offered if it did not. Only credits would (do not forget Marc85 ) nice.
Marc85 für das Modell der 24 Meter WaageEifok-Team dafür das sie mich auf die Idee gebracht haben mit der LS11er Version
13 Oct 20:28Version 3.2.5 für GE
by Blacky_BPG
ago over 11 years
by Blacky_BPG
ago over 11 years
by Blacky_BPG
ago over 11 years
by Blacky_BPG
ago over 11 years
by Blacky_BPG
ago over 11 years
by Blacky_BPG
ago over 11 years
by Blacky_BPG
ago over 11 years
by Rocky66
ago over 11 years
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