* It’s compatible with ETS2 v1.23+
* You can find the truck in VOLVO Dealer.
* The truck is available for quick jobs and it’s standalone.
* Cabin Accessories DLC supported.
* It’s ported version of VNL670 for ATS v1.4.1 by Aradeth
*You don’t need to download Cab Acc. DLC Add-on, it’s included in the truck mod.
* This mod is completely error free on both MAC and Windows.
If you see crash or errors, it’s definitely not releated to this mod.
– Fixed OpenGL crash.
– Fixed texture of airhoses. (Thanks to RJL)
– Added internal view of side window deflectors.
– Added rear hubs with Volco logo.
– Collision box at the back of the cabin adjusted again.
– Fixed right bonnet mirror.
Feedback and bug-reports:
Download the truck skin template from here:
Credits : Aradeth, Kriechbaum, ohaha, Martinezio, Piva, RJL, Ventyres, ZilpZalp, Nordisch, cZak, Samson, Scania124L, loogie,kamaz, Snekko, TruckManiac, Malcom37, Peerke 145, vovangt4 ,AU44, None, Nado, Big Bob, AlexeyP, Wydadi1505, SCS
Aradeth, Kriechbaum, ohaha, Martinezio, Piva, RJL, Ventyres, ZilpZalp, Nordisch, cZak, Samson, Scania124L, loogie,kamaz, Snekko, TruckManiac, Malcom37, Peerke 145, vovangt4 ,AU44, None, Nado, Big Bob, AlexeyP, SCS, Wydadi1505
30 Apr 21:53Version 1.22.x
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