I offer you a latest version of the Golf II. after the Golf II GL ''Grand Luxe'', the Golf II GTI, the ultra rare Golf II G60 Limited, the atypical Golf II country for this latest version of Golf II I offer you the Golf II citySTROMer an electric version of the Golf II or you read correctly an electric Golf II.
In 1981, Volkswagen presented the Golf CitySTROMer. Based on the Elektro Golf (the first version of the electric golf based on a golf I it will only be produced in a few experimental copies), this model was used for a larger scale test. Volkswagen produced 25 copies. Offering four seats, this electric Golf then weighed 1.5 t with its heavy lead-acid batteries. Batteries that ensured a range of about 60 km.
Based this time on the Golf II, the second generation of Golf CitySTROMer was presented in 1985. The electrical technology used was largely based on that of the 1981 CitySTROMer. This variant was produced in 70 units. Models first used by professionals for testing. But which was then sold to individuals. And there was also a Golf III CitySTROMer developed in collaboration with Siemens.
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28 Jan 10:57Version
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