Hi there ^ ^. Yes I have the most loving Unötigsten if equal to
probably the Epicsten mod for Minecraft have now found the
VoiceCraft Mod 1.3.2, with this mod, it is possible Minecraft
with the voice to tax ^ ^ eg the command then jumping
I speak purely in your microphone and already jumping Jumps
my character to geil.Naja that ye may the better
Can imagine, here are a couple pictures of me: D Have fun. Mfg. Flo
VoiceCraft Mod 1.3.2
Without Modinstaller (required Forge)
Download the zip file
Jump Start and go to "Run"
Enter "% appdata%" and browse to the folder ".minecraft / bin"
Open the file "minecraft.jar" with 7Zip or a similar program
Delete the "META-INF" folder
Drag the files from the zip file (Jar) in the "minecraft.jar"
Go back to the. Minecraft and drag into it the Resources folder.
Close and games :)
With Modinstaller (Requires an IQ above 10 ^ ^)
Download the. Zip folder and extract this first on the desktop (with Winrar, Winzip, etc.)
Open the folder Minecraft Modinstaller (mod name) 1.3.2
Open the Jar: Modinstaller with Java (not WinRar)
Click on next to continue
Then select each of the mod you want to install (click on the box)
Click on next to continue
The Mod (s) is (are) installed (wait until you can click Finish)
Now you can start Minecraft and have fun with the mod
09 Oct 17:11Version 1.3.2
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