Vito_2014 he pack

V 2 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Moin people we EGC-Modding Publish in this way our Vito_2014er pack to the community something to admit yes we all know that there are black sheep but there are also nice and grateful users who are grateful for each mod. This mod is from the community for the community you are allowed to develop the mod and continue to publish

This mod only works correctly with the ligth addon

This mod was built by Tobias / Eisenfreak and Nico / Nico the Farmer Basic Model By TZG

In this modpack are included ELW, MTW, BESTATTER and a civilian version Important: This mod must be unpacked

Well have fun with the Mod Mfg. EGC Modding



Modell: Grundmodell By TZG, Modell und weitere Sachen By Tobais/Eisenfreak
Textur: Nico/Nico der Farmer
Script: By EGC
Idee / Konzept: Tim,Tobi,Nico
Tester: Gesamter EGC

  • 29 Mar 22:05
    Version 2


    -Neue Bereifung

    -Licht überarbeitet

    -Sonstige Überarbeitungen

    (FEHLER: Abblendlicht Lichtschein geht; Kleinen Logfehler wg Texturen)

  • 02 Dec 20:11
    Version 1.0


02.12 2017
Modhoster user rating
3.36 / 11 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 2
Farming Simulator 17
20.9 MB 10196
29. 03 2018 10,196
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
205 MB 5281
02. 12 2017 5,281

1 Comments for Vito_2014 he pack

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  1. Csyon107 27. 10 2020

    rar kann mir jemand sagen wie ich die entpacke
