This sign-asset mod includes 33 brand new traffic-signs assets into the game.
Perfectly for mappers who want to have more variety.
Please note:
– If you use this modification in your map, please give credit (DualCore).
– Only use the original download link listed, do not re-upload this mod!
29 Feb 12:34Version 1.2
V1.0 Adds 33 traffic signs into the game for modders and mappers to use.
V1.2 Includes all V1.0 signs and adds another 20 traffic signs into the game + minor fixes to previous signs.Ingame-Notes:
– Night-Speed-Limit signs dont actually set a speed limit ingame since you can not time them. (I haven’t found a way yet) They’re only for decorative matter.Important:
– This modification doesn’t include a whole new map. It simply includes the models of the traffic signs
for modders and mappers to use in the game-editor!
– Do not re-upload this modification, only use the original download link listed.
– If you use this modification in your map, please give credit to me (DualCore).How to:
– Simply move downloaded file to mod archive from ATS
– If you used V1.0, delete that file and replace it with the V1.2 one.
– Added signs can be found in the editor, use “E” + “5” in editor, scroll through the list of signs to find them. -
13 Feb 21:21Version 1.0
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