This pack includes a selection of vehicles and tools from manufacturers whose names start with the letters N to Q. Originally from FS22, these machines have been rewritten for FS25.
New Additions in Version
- Added missing New Holland T7 tractor design (thanks to Coatsy35).
Included Brands and Models:
Nardi: n40b, n60 30, n60 40
New Holland: bigBaler1290HD, c232, cr980 830, superFlex25, superflexDraper45ft, varifeed28, varifeed41, t6, t7, t9, t9Tracks, th742, chSeries, crSeries, l218
Nordsten: hk25, ns3030
Oxbo: at5104LNMS
Poettinger: impress125FPro, impress185VCPro, jumbo10020Tridem, novacat301, novacatA10CrossFlow, terradisc10001T, terrasemC6F, top342
Ponsse: cobra
PorscheDiesel: junior108
Prinoth: m650, raptor300
Quicke: q3M, q5M
Check out my other vehicle packs and let me know what you think!
24 Mar 14:38Version
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