VEG Sternberg

V 3.3 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Welcome to the VEG Sternberg .
Here you will find a 4-fold map with a lot of land to plow .

With pork and beef fattening and Wassermod .
There are not created all the fields helpers friendly .
I have 5 extra fruits installed on the Map including Futterrueben
carrots and which can be verfütert to pigs and cattle.
There are plenty of outlets on the map where you all your fruits
and can sell breeding animals .
Everything else you can discover for yourself .
Enjoy it .

A special THANKS goes to Little_Arti and Quakster for all new
Buildings which were built on this card.
Next I would like to thank me for Devin for sharing and
many helpful tips .
Thanks also to all testers such as the LU Stony , Otto, Jogi ,
Devin, Heiko . Mark44 for the animation of the mill .
Soenke for helping with the road network . Thanks also to all
Modder their scripts and plants were used.
I may Renato and Patrick 2508 not forget to thank you for the videos .

All buildings that have been built for this map is not allowed without
Be extended permission and certainly not veröfftlicht again .
A trailer and a thresher I also enclosed.
All vehicles have been created by me . Harvester for onions and
the trailer can be found on MH .
Sunflower and oats trailer can be covered with the Multifruchtmod .

Now I wish you much fun with the map .


Gebäude Little Arti und Quakster
Rinder-und Schweinemast Marhu

  • 15 Sep 13:28
    Version 3.3

    Update 3.3
    performance (spielbarkeit auch auf schwachen Rechnern erheblich verbessert.)
    habe einige Gebäude von den Poly´s her so geändert, das sie jetzt auch auf schwachen Rechnern Spielbar sein sollte, Gruß Bummi

  • 13 Mar 12:56
    Version 3.2

    Auf wunsch Verkehr eingefügt. MfG Bummi

  • 13 Feb 08:40
    Version 3.1


checksum: f91f22a1b61a3a67bd40aaf943ed3a68
Version: 3.3
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Bummi
price in shop: LS
name in shop: VEG Sternberg
description in shop: Willkommen auf dem VEG Sternberg.

13.02 2014
Modhoster user rating
3.34 / 41 Votes


nach 37 Stimmen

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