Mod description
Remember 'FastSwitcher'? Now we bring you the next generation called 'VehicleGroups Switcher', or just 'VeG-S' for short.
With this, you can put your fleet of vehicles into 10 groups, and then be able to switch between vehicles that is in the same group.
Also, this mod remedies the problem FastSwitcher has, where it will activate the action that is assigned to the same base-key - and you can keep the Golf Carts ;)
How to use it
Setting up controls
Before loading a game, make sure you go into 'Options' - 'Controls', and verify that the "VeG-S: ..." keys are set to your suiting.
Do note that the 'VeG-S: Switch within group' action is by default not assigned a key, so make sure you assign your own key to it. - For starters I suggest you choose a key that is not TAB and not a letter or number.
Placing vehicles into groups
When you first start your game, none of the vehicles are assigned to a group. So begin by entering a vehicle and then activate the 'VeG-S: Toggle edit-mode' (default is LEFT CTRL V).
An overlay will appear, containing 10 groups and an 'Unassigned' group. Now move the current vehicle to a group of your own choosing, by using the 'Menu Up' & 'Menu Down' keys (default is ARROW UP and ARROW DOWN.)
While still in 'edit-mode', it is possible to switch to the next vehicle using the normal known method, and you can then repeat the process of placing into groups.
Once you're done placing vehicles into groups, deactivate the 'VeG-S: Toggle edit-mode'. - These group assignments you've just made, will be saved whenever you normally save your game. So they will automatically be restored when loading a savegame.
Note: Currently it is only the server-host that has the ability to edit which vehicles should go into which groups. Maybe in a later version, the clients might be allowed too.
Switching groups/vehicles
Now that the initial labour intensitive part of placing vehicles into groups is done - do take a break if you're feeling dizzy from all your hard work - the fun part begins; to actually switch between vehicles more quickly than normal.
To switch to a group that has vehicles in it, press the modifier-key and digit (default is LEFT CTRL digit.)
To switch within a group that has more vehicles in it, either continously press the same as above, or use your self-assigned key for 'VeG-S: Switch within group'.
Default action/key assignments:
Note: All VeG-S key-assignments (except for the 'Switch within group') MUST USE the same modifier-key - i.e. LEFT CTRL, RIGHT CTRL, LEFT ALT, RIGHT ALT, LEFT SHIFT or RIGHT SHIFT. - The reason for this, is to make the overlay appear before the actual group-selection is made; i.e. pressing the digit key.
- not assigned - VeG-S: Switch within group
- LEFT CTRL 1 - VeG-S: Group 1
- LEFT CTRL 2 - VeG-S: Group 2
- LEFT CTRL 3 - VeG-S: Group 3
- LEFT CTRL 4 - VeG-S: Group 4
- LEFT CTRL 5 - VeG-S: Group 5
- LEFT CTRL 6 - VeG-S: Group 6
- LEFT CTRL 7 - VeG-S: Group 7
- LEFT CTRL 8 - VeG-S: Group 8
- LEFT CTRL 9 - VeG-S: Group 9
- LEFT CTRL 0 - VeG-S: Group 10
- LEFT CTRL V - VeG-S: Toggle edit-mode
Problems or bugs?
If you encounter problems or bugs using the VeG-S mod, please use the support-thread at - Find the mod (and correct version) in the mods section, in category 'Other - Game Scripts'.
Script: DeckerGerman translation of mod description: Fribex
21 Nov 16:47Version 0.92
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