Changelog Changed RegisterSpecialization.lua to adopt to FS22; increased ModDesc version
With a modern forage wagon the loaded good can be compressed and therefore the overall capacity will be increased. With this Mod this
functionality is available in FS22 too. All default forage wagons are already prepared and ready to use. But you can also add your own Mod forage wagons.
If there is no dedicated configuration, then zou can select between the default capacity, as well as the 1.5 times increased one.
All available variable capacities are available in the following file: modSettings/VariableCapacity/VariableCapacity.xml
In there you just have to add the Mod-Filename (from the Vehicle-XML) and the desired capacities. e.g.
Additionally Modders can already prepare their loader wagons by adding the following tag in the vehicle XML.
38000, 71000
Default keyboard assignment to change the capacity: K
In the configuration file you can also disable the visibility of the key binding in the help menu (F1 Menu).
Please keep in mind: You can change the capacity just if the loader wagon is completely empty.
Please report issues or feature improvements at
13 May 09:08Version
by Matlys1996
ago almost 3 years
by Matlys1996
ago almost 3 years
by Matlys1996
ago almost 3 years
by Matlys1996
ago almost 3 years
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