Dangerous creatures lurk in the night and underground; with the Vampire Cape, you are one of them.
The Vampire Cape is designed for those who are tired of visiting storehouses every 2 minutes and being pounded by high damage enemies like golems while mining or looking for treasure, so the next time the Mirrows are ganging up on you in between attacks just equip the Vampire Cape and Shadow Ring and take a breather.
Based on the Shadow Cape with upgraded functionality it has a flight height of 100 so it can reach orbit (in full version) and a flight speed of 7 (fast enough to get places but slow enough to avoid overshooting). It has a capacity of 10'000 (10 times that of the magic pack cheat item), a flight capacity of 12'000 (so you can fly even with a bit of an overload), and it provides +10 health and +10 stamina per second as long as you are not in daylight (hence the Vampire part of the name).
Invisibility function is now provided by the Shadow Ring item as the function conflicted with the equipCost of the cape as of Aground 1.5.0.
--This mod will not be updated anymore (unless something breaks really badly). Be on the look out for a new full Vampire mod in the coming months cause I am planning to remake this mod with enhancements.--
27 Jul 08:16Version 3.0.0
Fixed vanity bug
Made recipes available with shadow cape and not before
Updated flight height so that you can orbit with the cape (you cannot jump though)
Added final update message
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
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