Refill Bot: Uses Items from the island's storehouse to keep fuel bars filled.
Spirit Refill Bot: Uses Items from the Spirit Storage to keep fuel bars filled.
Collector Bot: Collects items from smelter-type structures (kitchens, magic structures, etc).
Spirit Collector Bot: Collects items from smelter-type structures (kitchens, magic structures, etc) and puts them directly into the Spirit Storage.
Lumberjack Bot: Cuts down trees in the area.
Fisher Bot: Goes fishing off the nearest shore.
NOTE: Any bots that cannot reach their desired destination WILL CAUSE LAG. If you start to experience extreme lag, try seeing if any of your bots aren't moving.
NOTE: Non-spirit classes cannot access vehicle inventories. For use in vehicles, use spirit-class bots.
27 Jul 01:18Version 4.0.0
Another total overhaul of the bot logic
[Added] Spirit Collector bot, which puts items straight into the spirit storage
[Change] Refill and Collector bots can now access spirit storages - but not vehicle storages
[QoL] Bots can now be packed up and are crafted as items
[Logic] Lumberjack bots now find the closest tree, so they are more optimized
[Logic] All bots check for valid structures more often, meaning less "ghost" structures that are invalid
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
by modhoster
ago over 4 years
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