V v0.7.9 Storming the Abyss mod for OpenXcom

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United Nations Extraterrestrial Combat Command

Inventorum Development Team
A Cold War themed mod by the Inventorum Development Team

  • efrenespartano: llead sprite & ruleset designer
  • Badfella: sprite designer
  • DarkDust: support debugging
  • Dauntless1942: sprite creator
  • Ikhanad: support debugging & military history support
  • Luke83: map specialist
  • Noah183: main debugging
  • Tingcat: sprite creator
  • The Reaver of Darkness: balance specialist
  • Thunder_andr: sprite creator & main military history advisor
  • wolwerin: sprite creator


This mod is located chronologically right in the middle of the Cold War, almost at the end of the Vietnam War. There will be many pages of UFOpedia explaining the background of the story, as well as the course of the war. Now you can ask the World's Superpowers like NATO and USSR for support, provided by new guns, tanks and crafts.

*New Weapons (for the three Tiers, now Plasma are a little more difficult, so you can stick to Ballistic/Laser longer)

*New Aircrafts/Craft Weapons (real fighters, bombers, missiles and guns)

*New Enemies (three new alien races, more to come)

*New Armor

*New Storyline (you are not a super secret organization anymore)

This mod is a compilation, not all the work is mine. I would call it a "franken-mod", because it is made of many different mods, united with glue, love and some things that I have done myself. This compilation is playable from beginning to end, but there are still many of my ideas to be implemented. It's still WIP, so expect to find some missing things/items. Your feedback is useful.

Hear some good songs while chasing hostiles in the jungle

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Join the UNEXCOM channel in the IDT server! Try the newest stuff and get updates before anyone else!

Follow our brother in arms Dauntless1942, a very skilled artist working together with the IDT making exclusive art for UNEXCOM


First you need to get a legal copy of Xcom: UFO Defense. You can get it at Steam or GOG.com :) Download the latest OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) version here, available for PC, Android, macOS and iOS. Put your original Xcom data inside /UFO folder


- Open your "user" folder
- Copy the entire UNEXCOM zip file to the "/mods" folder. You can choose to unzip it or just move the zipped file.
- Enable the mod from the Mods option on the main menu.
(Instructions by Luke83)

- Open your "openxcom" folder inside the root of your Android device,
- Copy the entire UNEXCOM zip file to the "/mods" folder, You can choose to unzip it or just move the zipped file.
- Enable the mod from the Mods option on the main menu.

The original forum where you can ask questions, provide feedback and even make suggestions is located here.



Air combat is a very important thing now, inspired by Air Combat Rebalanced and Tech-Comm. Hangars can now host 2 crafts. There is a wide variety of aircraft and craft weapons of the time (and will come more, as well as a redesigned tech tree) It implements the HK features, a great addition made by Meridian. So expect to face UFOs actively trying to intercept your aircraft. You probably lose a lot of aircraft soon, that's why they will be somewhat cheaper. Also, you now can forget the ground radars. They are obsolete, actually I remove Large Radar and set the radarChance of the Small to 5%, just to mark the average combat range of your starting planes. Now you can (and you should) launch satellites to search for enemy UFOs and Bases. Be careful, they are reaaaally slow and HKs ate them for lunch.


Hatred just a tool the aggressors to control
Into the jungle's depth, into the desert storm
Caught between legions of hate
Caught beneath malefic eyes of fate

Ground combat is another important part. You will use realistic weapons of the time, such as rifles M16, AKM, LMG like M60 and Bren, snipers like XM21 and Dragunov among others. Each major power of the Cold War will supply you with unique tanks, weapons and equipment, you can choose to stick to the reliable Soviet guns or try the advanced NATO weaponry.

Forget the outdated HWP, now you will be in charge of an M551 Sheridan, a BMD-1 IFV or a FV701 Ferret SC, light tanks that can really be transported on an airplane.
There are new races (made by Solarius Scorch) and their weapons are now much more alien (drawn by XOPs), so the combat is more enjoyable.

Credits by name:

*Alex_D: UH-1 Huey, Mi-24 Hind maps
*ahnyoungjune: bug hunter
*alinare: BMD-1 & Laser Tank sprites
*Andr: M12 Beretta, M72 LAW, FN MAG, XM117 (and variants), M16A1 (and variants) 9mm Pistol x20 Mag sprite, F-104S Starfighter & MiG-21 sprite, Remington Combat Shotgun sprites, plus ideas and historical/technical advice
*Arpia: SCOUTCAR (Ferret AC) sprites and codes
*Badfella: Mercenary & Special Forces artwork, plus ideas.
*Barabas: bug hunter
*Blood Angel Tactical Marine: bug hunter.
*boodman123726: XCOM 2 Music Pack
*bulletdesigner: Old Pilots graphics from 40k mod (now unused), COPTER map (Huey placeholder, now unused), Improved Maps terrains
*cubick2k: bug hunter
*Cupon4uk: bug hunter
*danielpembrink: bug hunter
*DarkDust: bug hunter
*Dauntless1942: new USA/NATO/USSR Laser weapons, new UNEXCOM logo
*Dioxine: Original Double-barreled shotgun (now unused), M79 Thumper
*efrenespartano: main ruleset and sprite creation, lead designer
*Finnik: Astronaut sprites
*Fox105iwsp: original UN Combat Uniform and XM-72 Combat Armor sprites
*garretrgang: bug hunter
*Hans Woofington: bug hunter
*hellrazor: Expanded Terror and Skystriker (C-130 Hercules placeholder, now unused)
*Hobbes: Terrain Mod (now unused), Tech-Comm HKs, ruleset reference.
*IgnisAbentorn: bug hunter
*Ikhanad: FN FSC sprites, plus ideas.
*Internet: UFOPedia images, further artwork reference
*Istrebitel: craft weapon reference codes
*KingMob4313: Plasma & Laser ruleset and sprites from Equal Terms
*Meridian: modding help on the forums, OXCE dev
*Mitra Lightbringer: bug hunter
*Noah193: bug hunter, plus debugging and ideas
*Luke83: overall Terrain & Map support
*Pvt.Dropleaf: bug hunter
*Ryskeliini: Grenade Launcher (now unused)
*StormRangerX: bug hunter
*SG_Barton: bug hunter
*Solarius Scorch: RecycledAlienCollection, Alien Armory Expanded, Celebrate Diversity, original XM21, FN FAL, old M16, old M60 sprites (now unused), ruleset reference, Farmer NPCs sprites
*Tal'Raziid: bug hunter
*ThatDude: JustRussia AK original weapons (now adapted)
*The Reaver of Darkness: overall balance support, LIGHTNIA mapset, plus ideas
*theemperorofmankind: bug hunter
*Tingcat: Terrorists Paperdolls
*Valmont and his girlfriend: bug hunters
*Warboy1982: Shotgun firing sound
*XOps: Alien Plasma Weapons
*xover88: XCOM 2012 Music
*Yataka Shimaoka: bug hunter
*wolwerin: Needle Weapons, Tesla Weapons, sprites and sounds, plus debugging support
*Zane: original Delta sprites
*zaphnath: bug hunter


  • 27 Jul 09:50
    Version v0.7.9 Storming the Abyss

    17-Jun-2020 v0.7.9 Storming the Abyss
    Changes made:
    *Fixed issues with broken Alien Base script, reported by Brother^2
    *Removed Fusion Weapons from purchase, reported by Andr and PERLHA
    *All special faction weapons are now usable if you obtain them from the battlefield, reported by Andr
    *New Angry Wife special USSR weapon sprite
    *Fixed broken UFOPedia weapon entries, reported by Finnik and PERLHA
    *New Terrorist Grenadier with gasmask sprites, made by JustTheDude. Cheeki breeki power.
    *Balanced Terrorist stats, now they have bad aim (are a bunch of untrained punks, after all)
    *Terrorist flyby missions don't have score anymore, you can ignore them freely (testing purposes)
    *Laser Array and Laser Cannon now have new sprites and new names, Apollo Gatling and Kodiak Cannon.
    *New Alien Fusion Weapons ufopedia image, drawn by Dauntless1942
    *UFO Construction, Power Suit and Fusion Ball Launcher now requires Elerium Fusion.
    *Fixed issues with Terrorist spritesheets, by zombieclone111
    *Linna Recon Sats are now way more cheap, to encourage the players to deploy them en masse.


04.09 2018
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