UFO Plus! Readme
Date: June 20th 2021
Version: 2.0
What is this mod?
UFO Plus is a mod that makes the following changes to just add a bit to UFO
This mod can imbalance the game depending on the choices you make using it.
I do NOT recommend this mod for a first time playthrough of UFO.
This mod REQUIRES OpenXCom Extended (OXCE)
Empty Room: Called "Modular Room" in game this room allows you to build over it, shortening build time on buildings from TheReaverofDarkness' "Harmony" mod.
New Map for Lightning see "changes" below.
Xross's UI and HWP Art Redesign.
New Art for the Rifle, Laser Rifle, Pistol, Auto-Cannon, Rocket Launcher all from CanadianBeavers Awesome Guns mod.
Auto shots added for all weapons:
2x for Pistols
3x for Rifles and Heavy Weapons.
Troop Training:
Level 1: 5% bonus
Level 2: 10% bonus
Level 3: 15% bonus
Level 4: 20% bonus
Level 5: 25% bonus
Lightning Changes:
3 hard points
More Troop and HWP Capacity
Heavy Laser accuracy and power improved.
HWP Health Improved, Armor remains the same.
Alien Grenade made slightly more powerful
Installation simply unzip the folder "UFOPLUS" to your user/mods directory, if you do not know where that is, either consult the openxcom forums or discord.
Recommended Mods to run with UFO Plus
Static Cydonia Map
Gun Melee
Starting Defensive Base
Custom Initial Base set to YES in options.
In Options I suggest you set the explosion height to 3 as well
Special Thanks:
IDT Team: For allowing my hack ass to join their team and for help and advice.
TheReaverofDarkness: For allowing me to first tear apart Faithful Mod to learn modding and being there for help, and allowing me to use content from Harmony.
efrenespartano: for encouragement and inviting me to join IDT.
pedroterzero: for encouragement and helping me get recover my files from my dead PC, I cannot thank you enough for that.
CanadianBeaver: for AwesomeGuns
Xross/Xross28: for his AWESOME UI and Tank redesign and giving me permission to use his mod in UFO Plus 2.0
As you may have noticed I took down the original version of UFO Plus down, the original 1.0 will be not made available again as I feel 2.0 is much improved, feel free to contact
me via or PM on discord or Email if you wish a copy of the orignal.
If you wish to contact me about the mod you can do the following
Leave a message for me on the mod's page.
Contact me on discord, I hang around in the OpenXcom discord, you can find information to find the openxcom discord on the openxcom forums
or email me at
lordkane773 (at)
(replace (at) with @ and remove the spaces.)
Look Forward to Harmony Gold.
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